Field Descriptions

Table Information


User-Defined Info

What can I do in this subtask?

Use this subtask to enter data from user-defined fields for a specific good.

Note:  You must first set up the labels that display for each type of user-defined field in the Item User-Defined Labels screen before assigning this information to a good.

When should I use this subtask?

Set up this screen when initializing good information, and after you have established data in the Item User-Defined Labels screen.

Field Descriptions

Data Type

This non-editable field displays the data type that was defined in the Item User-Defined Labels screen. The options are:


This non-editable field displays the labels created for this user-defined code in the Item User-Defined Labels screen.


If a line's Data Type is "T" (Text) and the Validated Text field is "Y" (Yes), enter, or use Lookup to select, a value that was created for the label in the Validated Text subtask of the Item User-Defined Labels screen.

If a line's Data Type is "T" (Text), the Validated Text field is "N" (No), and the Costpoint Validation Field is not populated, you can enter any alphanumeric text in the Values field. However, if the Costpoint Validation Field is populated with an existing data table name, enter, or use Lookup to select, a value in this field that corresponds to that particular data table.

If a line's Data Type is "N" (Numeric), you can enter a numeric value in this field.

If a line's Data Type is "D" (Date), you can enter a date in this field. If the Required field is "Y" (Yes) for any given line, you must populate the Values field in accordance with the selected line's Data Type.

Costpoint Validation Field

If the line's Data Type is "T" (Text) and the Costpoint Validation Field was populated in the Item User-Defined Labels screen, this field displays the value from the Costpoint Validation Field—the Costpoint field that is the source for acceptable entries in the Values field for this row.

Validated Text

This field will display a "Y" (Yes) if you created special text items for this row in the Validated Text subtask of the Item User-Defined Labels screen. These items will be available in Lookup. "N" (No) in this field indicates that no special items were created for this row.


This field will display "Y" (Yes) if this item is required for each project and "N" (No) if this item is not required for each project.

Select the desired label and press the Autoload pushbutton to apply it to the good.

* A red asterisk denotes a required field.

Table Information

Changes made to this screen update the ITEM_UDEF (Item User-Defined Information) table.

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