Field Descriptions

Table Information


Timesheet Entry Batch

What can I do in this screen?

Use this screen to enter timesheet batches.  A batch may refer to an individual timesheet or a group of timesheets.

You can use this screen to estimate the number of regular and overtime hours associated with a batch.  You can also estimate the number of timesheets associated with a specific batch.  These estimates are performed before you enter data in the Enter Timesheets program (People\Transactions\Timesheets).

You must create a unique batch name and enter this information in the Batch ID field.  After you save your record specifications, the batch ID becomes available in the Lookup associated with the Batch field in the Enter Timesheets screen.  It is here that you can link the batch to specific timesheets.

After you save timesheet records in the Enter Timesheets program, the timesheet line detail, as it pertains to labor hours, is automatically imported into the table window of the Timesheet Entry Batch application.

You can compare your estimates to the actual timesheet data.  If there are gross differences, you can return to the Enter Timesheets screen to review or revise the timesheets before you post them.

This screen, therefore, serves as a validation tool which allows you to examine the timesheet line detail to ensure content accuracy before you execute the Post Labor program (People\Process\Post).

When should I use this screen?

Initialize this screen before you process records in the Enter Timesheets program.

Field Descriptions


Use this block to create a batch ID or to retrieve a previously saved batch.  A batch ID represents a set of screen selection specifications associated with timesheets.  Once you have saved a batch ID and its related detail, you can retrieve them using Query.

Batch ID *

Enter, or use Query to select, up to 20 characters to identify the batch ID.


Use the fields in this block to estimate the number of timesheets and timesheet hours for a specific batch.

Created by User

This non-editable field displays the Costpoint user ID of the person who entered the batch information.


Select this checkbox if the batch is complete and timesheets should no longer be assigned to it.


Use this group box to view system information associated with the date and time you began entering batch information.


This non-editable field displays the system date on which you began entering the batch.


This non-editable field displays the system time you began entering the batch.


Use this group box to view system information associated with the date and time you completed entering the batch information.  Data in this group box becomes available after you save the batch record.


This non-editable field displays the system date on which you finished entering the batch.


This non-editable field displays the system time you finished entering the batch.

Total Timesheet Hours

Use the fields in this group box to enter your estimate of timesheet hours.  You can also use the fields in this group box to view the actual hours linked to this batch in the Enter Timesheets program.

Expected (Regular)

Enter the number of regular hours you expect for this timesheet.  Regular hours are non-overtime hours.

Expected (Other)

Enter the number of overtime hours you expect for this timesheet.

Expected (Total)

This non-editable field displays the sum of the values you entered in the Expected (Regular) and Expected (Other) fields.

Actual (Regular)

This non-editable field displays the regular hours, as entered on the timesheets associated with this batch.

Actual (Other)

This non-editable field displays the overtime hours, as entered on the timesheets associated with this batch.

Actual (Total)

This non-editable field displays the sum of the values displayed in the Actual (Regular) and Actual(Other) fields.

Difference (Regular)

This non-editable field displays the differential, if any, between the expected regular hours and the actual regular hours.

Difference (Other)

This non-editable field displays the differential, if any, between the expected overtime hours and the actual overtime hours.

Difference (Total)

This non-editable field displays the differential, if any, between the data in the Expected (Total) and Actual (Total) fields.

Total Number of Timesheets

Use the fields in this group box to enter your estimate of timesheet types.  

Expected (Regular)

Enter the number of "Regular" timesheet types you expect.

Expected (Other)

Enter the number of "Bonus," "C-Correcting," and "Labor Only" timesheet types you expect.

Expected (Total)

This non-editable field displays the sum of the values in the Expected (Regular) and Expected (Other) fields.

Actual (Regular)

This non-editable field displays the actual number of "Regular" timesheet types.

Actual (Other)

This non-editable field displays the actual number of "Bonus," "C-Correcting," and "Labor Only" timesheet types.

Actual (Total)

This non-editable field displays the sum of the values in the Actual (Regular) and Actual (Other) fields.

Difference (Regular)

This non-editable field displays the difference, if any, between the expected "Regular" timesheet types and the actual number of "Regular" timesheets types.

Difference (Other)

This non-editable field displays the difference, if any, between the expected and actual number of "Bonus," "C-Correcting," and "Labor Only" timesheet types.

Difference (Total)

This non-editable field displays the difference, if any, between the data in the Expected (Total) and Actual (Total) fields.

Table Window

This non-editable table window displays the information that was imported from the Enter Timesheets program. If you linked a batch ID to specific timesheets, the employee name and labor details will display here.


This field displays the ID of the employee who entered the timesheets.

Employee Name

This field displays the name of the employee who entered the timesheets.

Timesheet Date

This field displays the timesheet date.


This field displays the sequence number.

Timesheet Type

This field displays the timesheet type:  "Regular," "Bonus," "Labor Only," or "C-Correcting."

Total Regular Hrs

This field displays the regular or non-overtime hours entered on the timesheets associated with this batch.

Total Other Hrs

This field displays the overtime hours entered on the timesheets associated with this batch.

Total Hrs

This field displays the sum of the values in the Total Regular Hrs and Total Other Hrs fields.

* A red asterisk denotes a required field.

Table Information

Changes to this screen update the TS_ENTRY_BATCH (Timesheet Entry Batch) table.

The TS_HDR (Timesheet Header) is a source table whose content is evaluated as you enter data in this screen.

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