Use this subtask to view transaction-level detail for the selected line.
The table window displays the individual transactions supporting the account balance for the selected line from the Periods subtask. Information displayed includes the journal code (APV-Post Vouchers, CR-Post Cash Receipts, AJE-Post JEs, etc.) period, account, organization, journal code, and posting sequence, as well as the project or reference number charged.
Examples of fields displayed include the Voucher, PO Number, Journal Entry, Cash Receipt or Bill Number, Vendor Name, Invoice, and Check Information.
Transaction amounts in hours and currency amounts also display.
Use this subtask whenever you need to review transaction detail supporting the balance of a given fiscal year/period/account/organization combination.
Using this subtask after "drilling down" into the Periods subtask allows you to refine your search to a smaller number of detail transactions than if you were to directly access the Transaction subtask from the main screen.
FY, Account, Org., YTD Balance, Pd, Period Activity Amount
These non-editable fields display the Fiscal Year, Account, Organization, Year-to-Date Balance, Period, and Period Activity Amount from the Periods subtask of the General Ledger Inquiry screen.
This non-editable field displays the total of all detail entries for the selected fiscal year/account/organziation/period that display in the table window. This amount displays in terms of your company's functional currency.
This field displays the subperiod in which the transaction was posted for the main line in the Periods subtask.
This field displays the type of journal posted (APV-Post Vouchers, AJE-Post JEs, etc.) for the selected line from the Periods subtask.
This field displays the posting sequence number of the journal posting (1, 2, etc.).
The posting sequence number is assigned by journal code (AJE-Post JEs, APV-Post Vouchers, LD-Post Labor Distribution) and period.
The posting sequence number is a unique number that is assigned when journals are printed prior to posting.
This non-editable field displays the project used in the transaction.
This non-editable field displays the description for each transaction linked to the selected record in the main screen.
This non-editable field displays the vendor name for each transaction linked to the selected record from the main screen. The Vendor Name field is populated from the Vendor Labor subtask of the Enter JEs screen (Accounting\Transactions\Journal Entries).
In addition, the Vendor Name field can be populated with the vendor name entered in the Vendor Labor subtask of the Enter A/P Vouchers (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers) or the Enter PO Vouchers screens (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers).
This non-editable field displays the employee name for each transaction linked to the selected record from the main screen.
The Employee Name screen is populated from timesheets or from the Employee Labor subtask of the the Enter Jes screen (Accounting\Transactions\Journal Entries).
In addition, the Employee Name field can be populated with the vendor employee name entered in the Vendor Labor subtask of the Enter A/P Vouchers (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers) or the Enter PO Vouchers screens (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers).
This non-editable field displays the amount posted for each transaction linked to the selected record in the main screen.
This amount is stated in the functional currency of your company.
This non-editable field displays the amount of the transaction currency entered in the source stransaction entry.
You enter the transaction amount when entering transactions.
This non-editable field displays the currency in which the source transaction entry was made.
If the transaction currency and the functional currency are the same, the values in the Trans Amount and the Amount fields should be equal.
This non-editable field displays the voucher number for each transaction linked to the selected record in the Posting subtask.
This non-editable field displays the invoice number.
The invoice number will display for posted vouchers if an invoice number was entered in the Header Info tab of the Enter A/P Vouchers (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers) or the Enter PO Vouchers (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers) screens.
Invoice numbers will also display for posted bills.
This non-editable field displays the PO number associated with posted PO vouchers that are linked to the selected record in the Posting subtask.
This non-editable field displays the journal entry number associated with posted journal entries that are linked to the selected record in the Posting subtask.
This non-editable field displays the cash receipt number associated with posted cash receipts that are linked to the selected record in the Posting subtask.
This non-editable field displays the check number.
The check number will display for posted cash disbursements and also for posted cash receipts if a check number was entered when the cash receipt was entered.
This non-editable field displays the name of the user who entered the transaction.
This non-editable field displays the name of the user who posted the transaction.
This non-editable field displays the Ref 1 item, if applicable.
If you do not use reference numbers in data entry, this field will be blank.
This non-editable field displays the Ref 2 item, if applicable.
If you do not use reference numbers in data entry, this field will be blank.
This non-editable field displays any notes entered on the entry transaction.
Since this is a large field, you have the ability to open the field to show all notes entered.
This screen accesses data stored in the GL_POST_SUM (GL Posting Summary) and the GL_DETL (GL Detail) tables.