Use this screen to print Intercompany Receivable journal entries and post them to the General Ledger. The Intercompany Receivable tables provide detailed support by Intercompany Receivable number for transactions supporting the Intercompany Receivable journal entries.
Because you should print and retain Intercompany Receivable journal entries as part of the system audit trail, you cannot post Intercompany Receivable journal entries without first printing the journal.
You can, however, print the Journal without posting, so it can be reviewed and corrected. When posting, you must first print the journal during the same session. Your posting selection criteria must be consistent with the selections you made to print the Journal. If you exit the screen, or if your selections change, you will need to reprint the Journal, using the new criteria, before you can post.
You can print Intercompany Receivable journal entries and post them to the General Ledger any number of times during the accounting period, but you must always print and post them at the end of each accounting period, unless no entries were created.
You should create and post Intercompany Receivable journal entries before printing any financial statements grouped by organization.
Use the fields in this block to create a new parameter ID or to retrieve a previously saved parameter ID. A parameter ID represents a set of screen selection parameters. Once you have saved a parameter ID and its related parameters, you can retrieve them using Query.
You can use the retrieved parameters to produce reports and run processes more efficiently and with greater consistency. Many users save a unique set of parameters for each different way they run a report or process. If you select a previously saved parameter ID or parameter description, the associated saved screen selection parameters will automatically display as selection defaults. You can change any of the associated selection defaults as necessary.
Enter, or use Query to select, a parameter ID of up to 15 alphanumeric characters. You should choose characters for your parameter ID that help identify the type of selections you made in the screen, such as “PERIOD” or “QUARTERLY.”
When you save your record, all the selections made in the screen are stored with the parameter ID. Later, you can retrieve the parameter using Query.
You can use the parameter to produce reports and run processes more efficiently because you can select the parameter ID with its previously defined screen selections. Once the default selections display in the screen, you can override the defaults as necessary.
Enter, or use Query to select, a parameter description of up to 30 alphanumeric characters.
Use the fields in this block to specify the fiscal year and period for posting and the range of intercompany receivable entries to print or post.
This non-editable field displays a value of "One."
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the fiscal year for posting.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the period for posting.
This non-editable field displays the period end date based on the selections you made in the Fiscal Year and Period fields.
Use the drop-down box to select the range of Intercompany Receivable journal entries to print/post.
The system-defined options are "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," and "To End."
The value you enter in this field varies, depending on the Option you selected.
If you selected "All" Intercompany Receivable journal entries, this field will be unavailable.
If you selected "One" journal entry, enter the journal entry number in this field.
If you elected to print a "Range" of journal entries, enter the starting number for the range in this field.
If you selected a range beginning with a specific journal entry through the last journal entry ("To End"), enter that number in this field.
If you elected to print a range from the beginning up to an ending journal entry ("From Beginning"), this field will be unavailable.
You can use Lookup to select values from the appropriate table.
he value you enter in this field varies, depending on the Option you selected.
If you selected "All" Intercompany Receivable journal entries or "One" journal entry, this field will be unavailable.
This field will be unavailable if you selected the "To End" option.
If you elected to print a "Range" of journal entries, enter the ending journal entry number for the range in this field.
If you selected a range from the beginning up to a specific journal entry number ("From Beginning"), enter that number in this field.
You can use Lookup to select values from the appropriate table.
* A red asterisk denotes a required field.
Intercompany Receivables Header (ICR_Hdr): This table stores information from the headers of intercompany receivables journal entries. During posting, the system copies this information to the Intercompany Receivables Header History table.
Because these records are no longer needed in the Intercompany Receivables Header table, the system deletes them, ensuring that only open records occupy this table.
Intercompany Receivables Header History (ICR_Hdr_Hs): The system updates this table with information from the Intercompany Receivables Header table during the posting process.
Intercompany Receivables Transaction (ICR_Trn): This table stores information from the lines of intercompany receivables journal entries. During posting, the system copies this information to the Intercompany Receivables Transaction History table.
Because these records are no longer needed in the Intercompany Receivables Transaction table, the system deletes them, ensuring that only open records occupy this table.
Intercompany Receivables Transaction History (ICR_Trn_Hs): The system updates this table with information from the Intercompany Receivables Transaction table during the posting process.
Transaction Posting Detail (GL_Detl): To keep this table at a manageable size, the posting program updates it only with summary debit and credit information from the Intercompany Receivables Header and Transaction tables. This information includes the user ID, ICR number, and amount. Intercompany Receivables transactions are identified as "Post Intercompany Receivables" in this table. Detailed reports and inquiries take line data from the Intercompany Receivables Header and Transaction History tables.
Transaction Posting Summary (GL_Post_Sum): The posting program updates this table with summary debit and credit information from the Intercompany Receivables Header and Transaction tables. This information includes amounts posted by fiscal year and selected period, and account/organization data.
Financial Statement Summary of Account Balances (FS_Sum): The posting program updates this table with summary debit and credit information from the Intercompany Receivables Header and Transaction tables. This information includes amounts posted by fiscal year and selected period, and account/organization data.
Reference Summary (Ref_Sum): The posting program updates this table with summary debit and credit information from the Intercompany Receivables Header and Transaction tables. This information includes amounts posted by fiscal year and selected period and account/reference number data.