Use this screen to set up "top-level" organizations. Each organization with a unique first level can have unique structure and level names.
For example, Organization 1's structure might be "XX.XXXX.XXX," while Organization 2's structure might be "XX.XXXXX.XXXX.XX."
Note that the size of the first (or top) level of all organizations must be the same size that you defined in the G/L Settings screen. Also note that you can print combined reports only for organizational elements that share the same first level. Therefore, if you need to print company-wide reports, you should set up only one organization here.
You must set up the top level before you can set up additional nodes of an organizational tree. In general, the higher nodes must exist before you can add lower level nodes.
Use the fields in this block to add a new organization and its name.
To add a new organization, enter the identifying top-level code. Its size must be equal to the settings in the Length of First Segment group box in the G/L Settings screen.
Do not enter more than the first level. Enter lower level organizations in the Organization Elements screen.
Name *
Enter a descriptive name of the organization. This name will display in screens and on reports to help identify the code.
If you select this check box, this organization is exported to Deltek Time & Expense when you run the Export Data to Deltek Time & Expense 5.x+ application. The organization is included in the UDT09_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.CSV file. This check box is enabled only if the Time Collection version is 5.x or higher and/or Deltek Expense version is 6 or higher.
Use the fields in this block to specify the top level organization, the intercompany receivable accounts, and the period information.
If you will be charging the top level of the organization, you may want to use an abbreviated code to simplify data entry. This must be unique within the database.
When you enter the Abbreviation field on various transaction screens, the abbreviation pulls in the longer organization ID. (This feature is not available in reporting and control screens, but is available in most transaction screens.)
This non-editable field displays the number of levels that you established in the table window below.
Enter the level of the organization at which you will be preparing balance sheets. Some posting programs use this information when determining at which level a posting should occur. For example, in Costpoint Labor, the system posts accrued salaries at the balance sheet level of the home organization of the employee.
You cannot enter a level greater than the number of levels within the organization.
You cannot charge inactive organizations during data entry or posting. Do not select this checkbox if you need to put this edit in place for the organization.
Inactivating the top level of the organization will not inactivate lower levels within that organization. However, it will inactivate any account/organization combinations that contain the inactive organization.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, a valid company ID for this required 10-character alphanumeric field. This is the company to which this organization belongs.
The company ID must have been previously established in the Company Taxable Entity Information screen.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, a valid taxing entity for this required 10-character alphanumeric field. You can have more than one taxing entity per company. You originally set up the taxing entity in the Company Taxable Entity Information screen.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, a valid account that will serve as the Due From intercompany receivable account for this organization. You will debit this account for any intercompany receivable journal entries.
You create these entries to correct any out-of-balance condition, within an organization, that can result when one organization incurs a payable or a receivable on behalf of another.
If you are using a Reference Number 1, enter, or use Lookup to select, a valid Reference Number 1 for the Due From account field.
If you are using a Reference Number 2, enter, or use Lookup to select, a valid Reference Number 2 for the Due From account field.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, a valid account which will serve as the Due To intercompany receivable account for this organization.
You will credit this account for any intercompany receivable journal entries. You create these entries to correct any out-of-balance condition, within an organization, that can result when one organization incurs a payable or a receivable on behalf of another.
If you are using Reference Number 1, enter, or use Lookup to select, a valid Reference Number 1 for the Due To account.
If you are using Reference Number 2, enter, or use Lookup to select, a valid Reference Number 2 for the Due To account.
You can use the starting and ending FY and period only when an organization is valid during a particular period of time.
For example, if you were to change your organizational structure at the end of fiscal year 2005, you would enter the final period of 2005 as the ending period for the old structure elements and the first period of 2006 as the starting period for the new structure elements.
If you leave these fields blank, no time limitations are placed on the validity of the organization.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, a starting fiscal year.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, a starting period.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, an ending fiscal year.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, an ending period.
Enter Ctrl-N to add a new row to the table window. Click on a specific row to make changes to it. You cannot change the length of an organization level once elements have been set up with that level.
Level No *
The system automatically enters the level number when you complete the previous line. As you add levels, the Level No field updates.
The first row should be the first level of the organization. Its length must agree with the first organization level length that you specified in the G/L Settings screen.
Enter a descriptive name, such as company, region, division, department, etc., to describe the organization level. This will display in screens and print on the Organizational Listing report.
Length *
Enter the number of characters that are allowed for each level. (You do not need to count the level separators when calculating the length of each segment, although the separators are counted in determining the overall length of the organization structure.)
For example, the organization structure:
would be entered as:
Level |
Length |
1 |
3 |
2 |
4 |
3 |
3 |
* A red asterisk denotes a required field.
This screen updates the ORG (Organization) table.