Use this subtask to assign a recurring journal entry to a "cycle" and to set up starting and ending dates for the time period in which the recurring entry will be used.
Once you enter a recurring JE in the Enter JEs screen, you must first post it to the general ledger before you can create a new recurring JE from it in the Create Recurring Journal Entries screen. (The new posted recurring entry then becomes a template from which the Create Recurring Journal Entries screen creates the future recurring entries.)
Before you can access this screen, you must designate the journal entry type as Recurring.
Cycle *
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the Cycle to which this recurring JE belongs.
The JE cycles are user-defined; you set them up in the JE Cycles screen. In that screen, a JE Cycle is associated with a range of fiscal years/periods/subperiods for which it is valid.
For example, you would probably set up a default cycle of "monthly," then link each accounting period to it at the beginning of each fiscal year.
If you are creating a recurring-reversing JE, choosing a cycle will also determine the default fiscal year, period, and subperiod information displayed in the Reversing subtask.
You are prompted for the cycle when generating recurring JEs in the Create Recurring Journal Entries screen.
Use the fields in this group box to specify the starting fiscal year.
Choose a starting Fiscal Year, Period, and Subperiod if you want to set a limit on the earliest subperiod in which the recurring JE can be used.
Use the fields in this group box to specify the ending fiscal year.
Choose an ending Fiscal Year, Period, and Subperiod if you want to set a limit on the latest subperiod in which the JE can be used.
If you leave both the Starting and Ending fields blank, the JE can be used in any subperiod that has been linked to its JE Cycle.
Hint: To delete a recurring JE, set up an unposted version of the recurring JE, then click on the Delete icon on the toolbar. |
* A red asterisk denotes a required field.
Changes to this screen update the RECUR_JE_TMPLT (Recurring JE Template) table.