If you are using the discount method "Aggregate Volume by Project" or "Aggregate Volume by Project w/Burden," use this screen to store the range of sales volumes and discount percentages that you want to apply by project. This feature is available for all contract types and all revenue and billing formulas, but is available only for standard bills.
Select the discount method in the Revenue Information screen (Projects\Maintain\Revenue) or the Other Info tab of the Project Billing Information screen (Projects\Maintain\Billing).
If the Include in Aggregate Volume checkbox is selected in the in the Govt Contract screen in the Project User Flow (Projects\Maintain\Project) and the discount method is "Aggregate Volume by Project" or "Aggregate Volume Discount by Project w/Burden," the Compute Revenue screen (Projects\Process\Revenue) and the Calculate Bills screen (Projects\Process\Billing) reference this table to determine what discount percentages to apply.
The volume of business is based on the total funded value by customer. If the Include in Aggregate Volume checkbox is selected in the Govt Contract screen in the Project User Flow (Projects\Maintain\Project), the project's total funded value by customer is summed to determine the total sales volume at the time you compute revenue or calculate bills. Use this feature to offer higher discounts to their customers if the volume of business continues to increase.
This discount method is similar to "Customer Volume Discounts" but is considered a volume discount override by project. The same calculations determine the sales volume, but the discount percentage overrides apply to a particular project and the accounts specified in this screen.
You can set up project volume discounts at any level of the project. When the system computes revenue and calculates bills, it will go up the project tree and find the first project level that contains a billing discount percentage and apply that during our calculations. If any discount percentages are set up at a higher level of the project, the system will ignore them.
Use the Accounts subtask to enter the accounts to which you want to apply the discount percentage.
Use this screen to initialize your project volume discounts and before you compute revenue and calculate bills.
Use Find or query to select a project. The project description displays in the field to the right. Find or Query displays only projects for which the Include in Aggregate Volume checkbox is selected in the Govt Contract screen in the Project User Flow (Projects\Maintain\Project).
Note: The Starting Sales Volume and Ending Sales Volume columns cannot have overlapping values if the Starting Date and the Ending Date are the same. |
Enter the beginning sales volume amount. The starting value must be "0.01" within a specific date range.
Enter the ending sales volume amount. The ending value must be "999,999,999,999.99" within a specific date range.
Enter the billing discount percentage that you want to apply to this range of project volume. You can enter a discount percentage greater than 100%. It cannot be negative. When you compute revenue or calculate bills, the discount percentage applies against the accounts linked in the Accounts subtask if they exist in the project's PAG (Project Account Group).
Enter the effective start date for this sales volume discount. If you do not enter a starting date, "01/01/1901" defaults into this field.
Enter the effective end date for this sales volume discount. If you do not enter an ending date, "12/31/2078" defaults into this field.
Select this subtask link to open the Accounts subtask to enter the accounts to which you want to apply the discount percentage.
Changes to this screen update the PROJ_VOLUME_DISC table.