Use the fields in this tab to review posted labor detail or enter labor detail manually. If the project is billed using loaded labor rates, you will need to enter the ID type (employee, vendor, or vendor employee), ID, PLC, and billing rate. Data in this tab will be used on the labor supporting schedules.
Review this tab after you have run the Load Labor Rates process (Projects\Process\Billing) to check the billing rates loaded by the system. If there is a problem with a loaded labor type of billing, use this screen to research these issues.
The ID type identifies whether the record is for an employee, vendor, or vendor employee. This information is required for the Load Labor Rates process. The Load Labor Rates process (Projects\Process\Billing) inserts the billing rates into this subtask. If the billing formula is a cost-based or manual billing, the employee, PLC, and timesheet information can be used on supporting schedules.
How are the billing rates determined?
The billing rates are determined according to the setup in the Labor Categories selection in the Maintain menu in the Projects domain. A single PLC can be assigned many billing rates. The Define Rate Sequence table prioritizes the billing rates that should be used for each project. The Load Labor Rates process (Projects\Process\Billing) uses the Define Rate Sequence table to locate the correct rate and then inserts that rate into the Labor tab in this screen.
GLCs (General Labor Categories) are used only for informational purposes. A GLC is required for each employee in the system. The GLC can be printed on the supporting schedules for billing purposes, but not on the billings themselves.
Where is the timesheet date used?
The timesheet date can be used on both the invoice and the supporting schedule. If you want to include the timesheet date on your invoice, select the Show Timesheet Date checkbox in the Hours tab in the Generic Billing Formats screen (Projects\Maintain\Billing). If you want to include the timesheet date on your supporting schedules, select the Timesheet Date checkbox in the Supporting Schedule Formats screen (Projects\Maintain\Billing).
How is the billing rate determined on foreign currency contracts?
If a project has been set up to produce invoices in a foreign currency, the labor rates are generally entered in that currency. If you do not want the billing rates to be adjusted for foreign currency fluctuations, you should assign billing rate type of "T" (Transactional) to the PLC. You can assign the billing rates in the Project PLC Rates, Project Labor Categories (PLCs), or Project PLC Rates by Employee/Vendor screens. If you do want the rates to be adjusted for foreign currency fluctuations, use the "B" (Billing) rate type when you set up the PLC rates.
Select the appropriate ID type for the labor transaction entered. "Vendor," "Employee," "Vendor Employee," and "None" are the valid ID types. Depending on your selection, the Employee, Vendor, and/or Vendor Employee fields may be disabled. If you select "None," no additional fields on this screen will be available and the hours will not be billable. If you select "Employee," "Vendor," or "Vendor Employee," you must enter the ID number in the corresponding field.
If you selected "Employee" in the ID Type field, enter the appropriate ID number for the employee you want to use for this transaction. The Employee name will display in the Name field.
If you selected "Vendor" in the ID Type field, enter the appropriate ID number for the vendor you want to use for this transaction. The Vendor Name will display in the Name field.
If you selected "Vendor Employee" in the ID Type field, enter the appropriate ID number for the vendor employee you want to use for this transaction. You can set up vendor employees in the Vendor Employees screen in the Accounting domain. This ID type is typically used for subcontractors. The Vendor Employee name will display in the Name field. A vendor employee ID must be unique system-wide.
Enter the name to identify the labor transaction. Costpoint will display the default name for the employee, vendor, or vendor employee name, if it is found in the system. You can, however, add labor records for vendor or employee IDs that are not set up in Costpoint.
If you entered an ID in the Employee field, enter the general labor category to identify this labor transaction. The description for the GLC will display automatically in the field to the right and cannot be changed.
If you are entering labor for a T&M project, you must enter a PLC (Project Labor Category). The PLC description from the project will display in the non-editable field to the right. The PLC entered here must be valid for the project on the main screen. Labor hours will not be billed unless a PLC is entered in this field.
If you are entering labor for a T&M project, you must enter a billing rate so the system can multiply this rate by the hours to determine the bill amount for this transaction. The Load Labor Rates process (Projects\Process\Billing) can also populate this field. If you are using PLC discounts, this field displays the discounted billing rate.
Use the drop-down box to select a rate type for those billing rates that use loaded labor formulas. The rate type will affect the calculation of the bill. The following rate types are available: "A" (Actual), "B" (Billing), "C" (Ceiling), "S" (Standard), or "None."
The "A" (Actual) rate type divides actual amount paid by actual hours (actual amount/actual hours) to obtain the rate. This selection allows the application of multipliers to the rate.
The "B" (Billing) rate type uses a loaded labor rate that does not include multipliers. This type of rate is usually loaded with indirect costs and desired profit. When a "B" rate is used, the actual hours in the Billing Detail tab are multiplied by the rate in the Billing Rate field.
All rates that were assigned a "T" (Transactional) rate type will be stored as "B" in this table. The PLCs that were assigned the "T" rate type will be treated as transactional rates by the Calculate Billings process. "T" rates are typically used on projects that utilize multicurrency. This type of rate will not allow adjustment for foreign currency fluctuation.
The "C" (Ceiling) rate type will first calculate the "A" (Actual) rate and then compare it to the ceiling rate and use the lesser of the two rates. This selection allows the application of multipliers to the rate.
The "S" (Standard) rate is equal to the Standard rate per employee in the Employee Salary Information screen (People\Maintain\Employee). This rate reflects the Annual Salary divided by the Standard Estimated Annual Hours. Multipliers will be applied against the new Standard rate type.
This field will not be available if you select "None" in the ID Type drop-down box.
Enter the billing rate before discount for this transaction. This rate is for informational purposes only, and displays on the invoice. If you are not using billing discounts, this field is hidden. This field is visible only if the discount method is "PLC Discounts" in the Project Billing Information screen (Projects\Maintain\Billing) or the Revenue Information screen (Projects\Maintain\Revenue).
If you are entering employee labor, enter, or use Calendar Lookup to select, the timesheet date used to identify when the labor charge took place.
This non-editable field displays the effective bill date that displays after you have posted labor distribution, journal entries, or vouchers that have associated employee labor. This date ensures that the correct billing rate is retrieved during the Load Labor Rates process (Projects\Process\Billing). All billing rates entered in the Labor Categories area are associated with effective date ranges.
* A red asterisk denotes a required field.
Changes to this screen update the OPEN_BILLING_DETL (Open Billing Detail) table.