Use this tab to view a summary of the invoice amounts on a current and cumulative basis. Information about the contract value/ceiling and the unallocated value also displays.
All items in this tab are non-editable, unless you have selected a Retainage type of "TOTAL" in the main screen. In this circumstance, you can edit the Previous Retainage and Less Retainage fields.
Amounts are displayed in functional and billing currency.
Use this tab before printing or posting the bill to review summary bill information in both billing and functional currencies.
Use the fields in this group box to review invoice information in both your company's functional currency and the billing currency.
This non-editable field displays the sum of the value modifications entered for this project in the Modifications screen. This field will not be populated if ceilings do not exist in the Total Ceilings screen in the Project User Flow (Projects\Maintain\Project).
This non-editable field displays the sum of the Scheduled Value field from the table window on the main screen.
This non-editable field is the result of dividing the Total Billable field by the Scheduled Value Entered field.
This non-editable field displays the sum of the Amount Billable field in the table window on the main screen.
Note: This amount does not include miscellaneous charges, sales tax/VAT, or retainage. |
This non-editable field displays the sum of the Previous Amount Billed field in the table window on the main screen.
This non-editable field displays the sum of the Current Amount Due field in the table window on the main screen.
The retainage percentage is derived from the Project Billing Information screen (Projects\Maintain\Billing). The retainage amount comes from one of three sources:
When retainage is computed at the total invoice level, it is the result of multiplying the Current Amount Due field by the Retainage Percentage.
When retainage is computed at the line item level, it is the sum of the current retainage due line items from table window on the main screen.
You can edit this field if you have selected "TOTAL" as the project's Retainage type on the main screen.
This non-editable field displays the sales or value added tax calculated in the Misc Charges tab.
This non-editable field displays the miscellaneous charges entered in the Misc Charges tab.
This non-editable field is the sum of the Current Amount Due, Sales Tax/VAT, and Other Charges fields with retainage subtracted.
Use the fields in this group box to review the billing currency selected for the invoice.
This non-editable field displays the exchange rate used for the invoice displayed.
This non-editable field is the result of subtracting the Scheduled Value Entered field from the Total Contract Value/Ceiling field.
This field is derived from the ITD Retainage field from the previous invoice for this project. When you post the bill, the ITD Retainage becomes the Previous Retainage. Retainage amounts are displayed in the billing currency.
This field is the result of summing the Current Retainage Due amount (main screen) and the Previous Retainage amount fields. Retainage amounts are displayed in the billing currency.
* A red asterisk denotes a required field.
Changes to this screen update the MILESTONE_INVC_HDR (Milestone Invoice Header) table.