Use this subtask to view the details of finance charge information for selected invoices in relationship to the posting of the bills and the invoices. You can view all of the finance charge detail activity information about an invoice and its relationship to the payments made on that invoice. This detail is located in the AR_FIN_CHARGE table, which is updated by the Compute Finance Charges screen. You can maintain the AR_FIN_CHARGE table in the Initialize A/R History's main screen.
All fields in this subtask are non-editable.
You can view the finance charge detail at any time. On the main screen, highlight the table window line containing the customer invoice for which you would like to see detail and select the Finance Info subtask link.
This non-editable field displays the invoice number from the Invoice Detail subtask.
This non-editable field displays the customer account from the Invoice Detail subtask.
This non-editable field displays the customer name from the Invoice Detail subtask.
The net finance charge computed for the transaction displays in this field.
This field displays the fiscal year used to calculate the amount of the finance charge.
This field displays the subperiod used to calculate the amount of the finance charge.
This field displays the subperiod used to calculate the amount of the finance charge.
The last day of the subperiod used to calculate the amount of the finance charge displays in this field.
This field displays the number of grace days from the header of the finance charge detail.
The daily rate displays in this field. It is the annual percent divided by 360 days.
This field displays the value of the Charge Interest on Finance Charges checkbox from the A/R Settings screen (Administration\Configure\Accounting). It will display a "Y" if the checkbox is selected, or an "N" if it is not.
Func Net Finance Charge Computed
The net finance charge computed for the transaction in terms of your company's functional currency displays in this field.
Use this subtask link to open the Exchange Rates subtask.
This screen accesses the AR_FIN_CHARGE (AR Finance Charge) table.