Use this subtask to enter the user-defined labels for each customer's account. User-defined info is useful because it includes information about customers that is outside the scope of the Customer screen.
This field displays the data type.
This field displays the labels.
Enter a numeric value that corresponds to the user-defined numeric label you selected. If you have entered a numeric label, this is a required field.
This field displays the Costpoint field that is the source for acceptable entries in this row.
This column displays a "Y" (Yes) if special text items were created for this row.
An "N" (No) in this field indicates no special items were created for this row.
A "Y" (Yes) in this field means this item is required for each vendor.
An "N" (No) means this item is not required for each vendor.
Changes in this screen update the GENL_UDEF (General User-Defined) table.