Use this non-editable subtask to view contact information specific to the pay vendor's payment address code on the selected line. You can correct and update contact information in the Contacts subtask in the Vendor User Flow screen (Accounting\Maintain\Vendors).
Use this non-editable subtask whenever you need to view contact information specific to the pay vendor's address code used for the selected line.
You can view contact information before or after you post the voucher.
This field displays the check number from the main screen that was used to pay the selected voucher.
This field displays the check date of the check that was used to pay the selected voucher.
This value defaults from the main screen.
This field displays the check amount of the check that was used to pay the selected voucher.
This value defaults from the main screen.
This field displays the pay currency code from the main screen for this check number.
This is the currency that was used to pay the vendor.
The following fields display information from the Contacts subtask of the Vendor User Flow screen (Accounting\Maintain\Vendors).
This field contains an auto-generated line number; you are not required to enter a value.
This field displays the last name of the contact linked to the payment address code for the selected check.
This field displays the first name of the contact linked to the payment address code for the selected check.
This field displays the phone number of the contact linked to the payment address code for the selected check.
This field displays the fax number of the contact linked to the payment address code for the selected check.
This field displays any notes regarding the contact linked to the payment address code for the selected check.
This field displays any other phone number you want to track for this contact that is linked to the payment address code for the selected check.
This field displays the title of the person entered as a contact and linked to the payment address code for the selected check.
This screen accesses the VEND_ADDR_CNTACT (Vendor Address Contact) table.