Use this subtask to add or to update Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) information pertaining to your vendors and their banks.
You must have already set up your vendors in Vendor User Flow and their bank information in the Basic Bank Information screen (Accounting\Maintain\Bank Account Management) before using this screen. You must complete this screen before you transfer payment to your vendors via EFT.
This non-editable field displays the default payment address code from the main screen.
Use Bank ID/Bank Acct/ACH Code from Employee's Direct Deposit Banks
If this vendor is an employee, select this checkbox to use the bank ID/bank acct/ACH code from the employee's direct deposit banks.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the ABA number of the bank to which you will send the EFT transfers for this vendor address. The bank you select must exist in the Basic Bank Information screen (Accounting\Maintain\Bank Account Management) and must have a transfer type of "A" or "B".
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the bank account number used for EFT transfers.
Enter the bank reference number used for EFT transfers.
Enter an International Bank Account Number (IBAN) of up to 34 alphanumeric characters. This field is used for EFT files crossing countries in Europe. You created the multicurrency EFT file in the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) File Conversion screen.
For EFT transfers, use the drop-down box to select one of the following values for the ACH Code: "22," "23," "32," or "33."
The ACH Codes correspond to the following accounts: "22 - Live Checking Account," "23 - Prenote Checking Account," "32 - Live Savings Account," and "33 - Prenote Savings Account."
Select this checkbox to make this vendor address active for EFT transfers, or leave it unselected to make it inactive.
Use this field to enter information regarding non-U.S. EFT only. It identifies the EFT file format to be used for all payments for this vendor address.
You must enter a payment type here if you are using a custom version of the Create EFT File screen that uses EFT payment types.
Select this checkbox to print the EFT advice. If you do not select this checkbox, no advice will print, but the record will still be included in the created EFT file.
Enter a valid password to update the record. You are required to enter a password to make any changes to this subtask if payment security is turned on in the A/P Settings screen (Adminstration\Configure\Accounting) and making changes to a vendor requires a password.
Changes to this subtask update the VEND_ADDR (Vendor Address) table.