Use this subtask to view the A/R invoice number(s) that must be paid in full before this A/P voucher will be released for payment.
Use this subtask to gather information from the voucher history, billing history, and A/R history tables to determine whether or not "Pay When Paid" vouchers have satisfied all conditions to be paid. This subtask holds information on the status of a voucher which will be held for payment until payments from your customer have been received on invoices, which include this voucher.
This subtask is populated by the Update Pay When Paid Voucher History process, which creates a link between the items entered in A/P vouchers and the voucher amounts that have been billed when both share the same project.
These three fields display the totals of the Amount of Voucher Billed, Total Bill Amount, and Cash Receipt Amount fields.
This field displays the invoice number that was computed and contains voucher amounts from the selected voucher.
This field displays either the invoice date that relates to the selected voucher or the receipt date for A/R cash receipts that is paying the invoice containing voucher amounts from the selected voucher.
This field displays the voucher amounts that were included in the billed invoice.
This field displays the total amount of the bill. This may be more than the amount of the Pay When Paid voucher.
This field displays any amounts that may have already been received and applied to the bills. The bill must be paid in full in order to release the Pay When Paid voucher for payment.
This subtask accesses the OPEN_AP (OPen AP) and PAYWPD_VCHR_HS (Pay When Paid Voucher History) tables.