Use this screen to record checks that were printed outside the system for vouchers that you have already posted. You should use this screen if the voucher has been entered and posted and you need to record a manual check against it. You should also use this screen to record multiple manual checks against a single voucher.
If a voucher was paid with more than one manual check before you entered it in the system, you can record it in one of two ways:
You can enter the voucher and information about one of the manual checks in the Enter A/P Vouchers screen (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers), then post it and enter the remaining manual checks in this screen.
You can enter the voucher in the Enter A/P Vouchers screen (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers), post it, and record all the checks in this screen. You can record only one manual check against a voucher in the Check tab of the Enter A/P Vouchers screen (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers).
Note: Before saving a check, the system validates that you have entered a unique combination of check number, account, organization, check date, and pay vendor. If you enter a check in this screen that has already been entered in the Enter A/P Vouchers screen (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers), the system will display an error message, and you will not be able to save. |
Note: You can also record manual checks using the Check tab of the Enter A/P Vouchers screen (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers). This subtask is most frequently used when the voucher was paid before entry into the A/P system. You can also use this subtask to enter the voucher and check information at the same time. |
Note: You can record only one check at a time. To record additional checks after entering the initial check, save the first check's information, and a new screen will appear in which you can record the next check. |
Use the Exchange Rates subtask to review and edit AP transactions that occur in a currency other than your company's functional currency.
Use this function any time to record manual checks in the system. You must post a voucher before you can enter a check against it in this screen. If a voucher is not posted, you can enter the manual check using the Check tab of the Enter A/P Vouchers screen (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers).
You must enter all manual checks issued in the accounting period before you produce final financial statements for the period.
Note: You cannot access records that are being printed while this screen is open. |
How do I record a manual check?
1. In the Record Manual Checks screen, use Query to enter the Pay Vendor data. The Open Vouchers table will populate with all of the posted items (that are not on hold) that still contain an unpaid balance. If the Cash Acct Desc displayed needs to be changed or added, make the change or use Lookup to find it.
2. Enter the Pay Currency, Check number, Date, and Amount and choose the Fiscal Year, Period, and Subperiod in which to post the check.
3. In the Open Vouchers table, highlight the row(s) that were paid by the manual check. Choose the Select button to move these vouchers into the Selected Vouchers table. When you have selected the correct data, save the record.
4. Finally, post the manual check via the Post Cash Disbursements screen (Accounting\Process\Post).
Once you have saved the record, Query the Pay Vendor; the voucher will display in the Open Vouchers table. You can then apply the second check.
You can record this transaction in the Record Manual Checks screen.
Go into the Record Manual Checks screen and use the same check number with a different check date.
Use Query to select the pay vendor to which the manual check was issued.
The pay vendor name and location assigned to the pay vendor will display in the fields next to the ID.
Enter the cash account description assigned to the cash account/organization from which the check was written. This must be a valid cash account description from the Cash Accounts screen (Accounting\Maintain\Accounts).
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the code of the currency in which the check was issued.
The pay currency default is selected in the Multicurrency subtask of the Vendors screen.
If you have not selected a default for the vendor, the default pay currency will determine your company's functional currency.
Use this field to add a joint check payee while recording checks that were printed outside the system. You must enter the word "and" before the joint payee name.
Check *
Enter the number of the manual check to be recorded.
Date *
Enter the date of the manual check to be recorded, or use Calendar Lookup to select a date.
Amount *
Enter the total amount of the check. This field must be equal to the total of the Pay Currency Vchr Check Amt field in the Selected Vouchers table window before you can save the check information.
Use the fields in this group box to determine the accounting period to which the manual check will be posted. Ordinarily, the date of the check determines the period to which the check is posted.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the fiscal year to which the check will be posted.
Period *
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the period to which the check will be posted.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the subperiod to which the check should be posted.
This non-editable field displays the end date of the period to which the manual check will be posted.
This field displays the remaining amount unpaid (total voucher less cash disbursements posted) for this A/P voucher.
This amount is displayed in the voucher's transaction currency.
This table displays the open vouchers for the Pay Vendor and Cash Acct Desc specified at the top of the screen. Only those vouchers assigned to that Pay Vendor and Cash Acct Desc are available for selection from this table. The columns in this table are non-editable, but you can edit pay currencies in the Exchange Rates subtask.
Highlight those vouchers that were paid on the manual check specified, and then choose the Select pushbutton. Those vouchers selected will be moved into the Selected Vouchers table.
This non-editable field displays the voucher number.
The status of the voucher is usually "Hold" unless the voucher was flagged as a "PAYWPD" (Pay When Paid) voucher. Use the pay-when-paid feature to hold a voucher for payment until your client pays you. The valid statuses follow:
HOLD - Hold for payment.
DEFER - Defer from payment. Any voucher on "Defer" status will not be selected for payment in the Select Vouchers screen.
PAY - Pay the voucher. If a voucher has this status, a check will be printed for it the next time the Print Checks routine is run.
PPHOLD (Part Pay/Hold) - Partially paid, but the remainder of the balance is on hold. Once the remainder is selected for payment, the status will be updated to "Pay."
PAYWPD (Pay when paid) -This designates a voucher that will not be released for payment until a specific, designated A/R bill has been paid in full. You can use the Pay When Paid Voucher History subtask to identify the A/R item(s) that are linked to this pay when paid voucher.
This non-editable field displays the transaction currency for the voucher.
This non-editable field displays the difference between the Due Amount and the Amount Paid fields.
This non-editable field displays the amount already paid on the voucher.
This field displays the total voucher amount that has been retained. This is an editable field.
Set this field to zero when the voucher is ready to be fully paid. If a voucher has had no previous payments, the Amount Retained field will be zero even if the Retainage Rate field is not equal to zero, since this field is not updated until the Print Checks routine is run.
This non-editable field displays the amount of the invoice assigned to the voucher.
This non-editable field displays the number assigned to the voucher when it was entered.
This non-editable field displays the date on which the voucher was entered.
This non-editable field displays the amount that was assigned to the voucher when it was entered.
The system calculates this amount according to the terms for the vendor but, because this field can be edited in the voucher, the amount in this screen may be inconsistent with the terms assigned to the vendor.
This non-editable field displays the date that was assigned to the voucher when it was entered.
The default date is calculated according to the terms for the vendor but, because this field can be edited in the voucher, the date in this screen may be inconsistent with the terms assigned to the vendor.
This non-editable field displays the value of the Invoice Amount field minus the value of the Discount Amt field.
The system calculated the due date according to the terms for the vendor but, because this field can be edited in the voucher, the date in this screen may be inconsistent with the terms assigned to the vendor.
You can edit this field after posting the voucher but before making payment.
This non-editable field displays the invoice period of performance date from the Header Info tab of the Enter A/P Vouchers screen (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers).
This field is used for vendors that have been identified as subcontractors.
This non-editable field displays the vendor ID that was assigned to the voucher when it was entered. This usually will be the same as the pay vendor.
If you select the Allow Different Pay Vendor checkbox in the Vendor Settings screen, the pay vendor can be different from the vendor.
This feature is useful for third party payments, i.e., for vendors that factor their receivables.
This non-editable field displays the name assigned to the vendor ID when the vendor was entered.
This non-editable field displays the vendor location assigned to the vendor ID when the vendor was entered.
This field displays the description associated with the cash account/organization combination to which the voucher was assigned.
This non-editable field displays the pay currency of the voucher.
This fields in this table display those vouchers that you selected from the Open Vouchers table. This table should contain those vouchers that were paid by the manual check being recorded.
If a voucher was selected by mistake, deselect it by highlighting the row, then press Ctrl and click to deselect the row.
This field displays the number that was assigned to the voucher when it was entered.
This field displays the transaction currency selected for use on this voucher.
This field displays the unpaid balance on the voucher. The system will calculate the amount net of the discount amount if the system date is earlier than the discount date. If the system date is later than the discount date, the amount will be the gross balance due for the voucher.
You can change this field to reflect partial payments. The amount to pay will be displayed in the transaction currency used on this voucher.
Trans Currency Discount To Take
This field will default to the remaining discount amount available to take on the voucher if the system date is earlier than the discount date.
If the system date is later than the discount date, this field will default to zero; however, you can change it if necessary.
You cannot enter an amount greater than the available discount amount in this field. The discount to take will display in the transaction currency used on this voucher.
This field displays the amount of pay currency used to pay this voucher.
This field displays the amount, in the pay currency, of the discount already taken on previous payments made on this voucher.
This non-editable field displays the pay currency from the header.
This field displays the voucher's invoice date.
This field displays the invoice's period of performance date. This date is used with Costpoint's Subcontractor Payment Control feature.
Trans Currency Amount Remaining
This field displays, in the voucher's transaction currency, the amount remaining to be paid after this manual check is posted.
This field displays the amount, in your functional currency, to be paid on this manual check.
Func Currency Discount to Take
This field displays the amount, in your functional currency, of the discount to be taken on this manual check.
This field displays the method ("N" (Net) or "G" (Gross)) used to post discounts to the general ledger.
You originally selected the method in the A/P Voucher Settings screen (Administration\Configure\Accounting).
* A red asterisk denotes a required field.
Use the Exchange Rates subtask to review AP transactions that occur in a currency other than your company's functional currency.
Changes in this screen update the OPEN_AP (Open AP), VEND_CHK (Vendor Check), VEND_CHK_VCHR (Vendor Check Voucher), and VCHR_HDR_HS (Voucher Header History) tables.