Field Descriptions

Table Information


Subcontractor Bond Types

What can I do in this screen?

Use this screen to maintain the types of bonds held by subcontractors. Two types of subcontractor bonds already exist in Costpoint:  "BID" (Bid) and "PERF" (Performance). You cannot edit or delete them. To enter a new type of bond, click on the New Record icon on the toolbar.

When do I use this screen?

Use this screen when you need to enter a new subcontractor bond type.


Do all vendors carry bonds?

No, not all vendors carry, or are required to carry, bonds.

Field Descriptions

Bond Type *

If you have a bond type other the system-defined types, enter up to eight characters to define the bond type.

This column displays the system-defined bond type ID.

Description *

If you have a bond type other the system-defined types, enter up to 30  characters to define the bond type description.

This column displays the system-defined bond descriptions.

* A red asterisk denotes a required field.

Table Information

Changes in this screen update the SUBC_BOND_TYPE table.