Use this screen to print reports of the information you entered in the Enter Advance Requests, Enter Company Paid Expenses, and Enter Expense Reports screens. Use these reports to reconcile the data you entered in each of these three screens. You can sort each report by vendor, number (for example, Advance Number), or entry user ID, and include or exclude account name, trip, tax information, and line notes.

Print the Travel Item Edit Report any time you need to reconcile the data entered in the Enter Advance Requests, Enter Company Paid Expenses, or Enter Expense Reports screens. The Travel Item Edit Report displays information only from those advances, company-paid invoices, and/or expense reports that have not been posted using the Create/Post A/P Vouchers screen.

This report uses dynamic worktables. Because these tables are user-specific and will be deleted after the process is over and data has been transferred to a permanent table, each user can run only one Travel Item Edit Report using the same user name at one time. Multiple users, however, can run reports simultaneously, as long as they are logged in under different user names.

First Sort

Use this group box to determine the field by which you want to run the report. For example, if you wanted to see advances listed by advance number, select Number in the Select By drop-down list.

Select By

Use the drop-down list to select your primary sort. The sort option you choose in this field will become the primary order of the report (see the example above). Select By options include Vendor, Number, and Entry User ID. The default Select By option is Entry User ID.


Use the drop-down list to select a range option. Range options include All, One, Range, From Beginning, and To End. The default for this field is All.


Enter the beginning entry user ID, vendor, or number for the range in this field. If you selected All or From Beginning as the Range option, this field is inactive.


Enter the ending entry user ID, vendor, or number for the range in this field. If you selected All, One, or To End as the Range option, this field is inactive.

Page Break

Select this check box if you want a page break after every entry user ID, vendor, or number. This check box defaults as checked.

Second Sort

Use this group box to limit the travel items that will be included in the report. For example, if you order your report by number, you could use the fields in this group box to restrict the report to advance, expense report, or company-paid invoice numbers that belonged only to certain vendors or entry users.

Select By

Use the drop-down list to select a secondary sort. Select By options include Vendor, Number, Entry User ID, and (None). The default Select By option is (None), meaning that no restrictions have been placed on your primary sort option. You cannot choose the same option for the second sort that you chose for the first sort.


Use the drop-down list to select a range option. Range options include All, One, Range, From Beginning, and To End.


Enter the beginning entry user ID, vendor, or number for the range in this field. If you selected All or From Beginning as the Range option, this field is inactive.


Enter the ending entry user ID, vendor, or number for the range in this field. If you selected All, One, or To End as the Range option, this field is inactive.

Page Break

Select this check box if you want a page break after every entry user ID, vendor, or number used to limit the primary sort option. You must select the check box in the First Sort group box before this check box will become available. This box defaults as unchecked.

Third Sort

Use this group box to further limit the travel items that will be included in the report. For example, if you chose to order your report of travel advance information primarily by number and secondarily by vendor, you could use the fields in this group box to restrict the report to advance numbers with certain vendors that had been entered by specific entry users.

The fields in each group box of sort options must be entered in order. This means that you cannot choose a third sort option without choosing a second.

Select By

Use the drop-down list to select your third sort. Select By options include Vendor, Number, Entry User ID, and (None). The default Select By option is (None), meaning that no restrictions have been placed on your primary sort option. You cannot choose the same option for the third sort that you chose for either the first or the second sort.


Use the drop-down list to select a range option. Range options include All, One, Range, From Beginning, and To End.


Enter the beginning entry user ID, vendor, or number for the range in this field. If you selected All or From Beginning as the Range option, this field is inactive.


Enter the ending entry user ID, vendor, or number for the range in this field. If you selected All, One, or To End as the Range option, this field is inactive.

Page Break

Select this check box if you want a page break after every entry user ID, vendor, or number used to limit the primary and secondary sort options. You must select the check box in the Second Sort group box before this checkbox will become available. This check box defaults as unchecked.

Item Type

Use these options to designate the type of travel item for which you want to print information. The Advance option is selected by default. To print information for Expense Reports or Company Paid Expenses, select the respective option.


Use this group box to choose a fiscal year and a range of periods for which to print travel information.

Fiscal Year

Enter the fiscal year for which you want to print travel information, or select one from the drop-down list. You can print information for only one fiscal year at a time. If you enter a fiscal year, it must have an O (Open) status in the Fiscal Years screen in Costpoint General Ledger.


Use the drop-down list to select the range option for the periods you want to include in your report. Range options include All, One, Range, From Beginning, and To End.

From Period, Subperiod

Enter the beginning period and subperiod for the range, or use the drop-down list to select from a list of periods and subperiods. If you selected All or From Beginning as the Range option, these fields are inactive.

To Period, Subperiod

Enter the ending period and subperiod for the range, or use the drop-down list to select from a list of periods and subperiods. If you selected All, One, or To End as the Range option, these fields are inactive.


Use this group box to include particular kinds of information in your report. The more options you select, the longer and more detailed your report will be.

Trip Date and Destination Line Detail

Select this check box to print trip dates, ticket numbers, destinations, or transportation codes on your report. This checkbox defaults as checked.

Account Names

Select this check box to print account, organization, and project names on your report (account, organization, and project numbers are always included).

Reference Numbers

Select this check box to print reference numbers in your report.

Tax Line Detail

Select this check box to print tax detail on the report. Selecting this option places a Paid By column on the report, so you can verify the data entry. Values under this column will display as either E for paid by the employee or C for paid by company credit card. This option is available only if you selected either the Expense Reports or Company Paid Expenses options in the Item Type group box. This check box is disabled if you selected the Advance option.

Discount Line Detail

If you are printing a report of company-paid expenses, select this check box to include cost, sales, tax, and use tax amounts, as well as the Disc Amt, Total Before Discount, and Net Amt fields. This check box is disabled if you selected either the Advance or Expense Reports options in the Item Type group box.

Line Notes

Select this check box to print line notes in your report.

Table Information

Account (Acct). This table stores account names, which can be included in the Travel Item Edit Report.

Advance Header (ADV_HDR). The Advance Header table stores advance number, vendor, total amount, entry user, approval, status, and due date information. It also stores header notes regarding the advance as a whole. This information prints on every report for travel advances.

Advance Line (ADV_LN). The Advance Line table stores trip information such as trip number, dates and destination, as well as line notes and account, organization, and project numbers. You can include or exclude most of this information can from the Travel Item Edit Report.

Company Paid Header (COMP_PD_HDR). The Company Paid Header table stores company-paid invoice number, vendor, total amount, entry user, approval, status, and due date information. It also stores header notes regarding the Company Paid as a whole. This information prints on every report for company-paid expenses.

Company Paid Line (COMP_PD_LN). The Company Paid Line table stores trip information such as trip number, dates and destination, as well as line notes and account, organization, and project numbers. You can include or exclude most of this information from the Travel Item Edit Report.

Expense Report Header (EXP_RPT_HDR). The Expense Report Header table stores expense report number, vendor, total amount, entry user, approval, status, and due date information. It also stores header notes regarding the expense report as a whole. This information prints on every report for expense reports.

Expense Report Line (EXP_RPT_LN). The Expense Report Line table stores trip information such as trip number, dates and destination, as well as line notes and account, organization, and project numbers. You can include or exclude most of this information from the Travel Item Edit Report.

Organization (ORG). This table stores organization names, which can be included in the Travel Item Edit Report.

Project (PROJ). This table stores project names, which can be included in the Travel Item Edit Report.

Travel Expense Type (TVL_EXP_TYPE). The Travel Expense Type table stores expense type codes, which print only in reports of company-paid expenses and expense reports. Expense types defined in the Maintain Expense Types screen, and linked to specific travel account codes using the Link To Travel Account Group subtask. The expense type determines to which account/organization/project combination a travel expense report line is charged.

Vendor Terms (VEND_TERMS). The Vendor Terms table stores the terms associated with each vendor. Although the vendor's terms (assigned in the Maintain Vendors screen in Costpoint Accounts Payable) do not display in any of the travel item maintenance screens, they print on all versions of the Travel Item Edit Report.