Use this subtask to view the travel advances for the voucher. This subtask will be available only when you have selected the Exp Rpt radio button in the Item Type group box on the main screen.
These fields display the vendor ID, vendor name, and location of the line you selected on the main screen.
This field displays the expense report number that was highlighted on the main screen.
This field displays the travel expense report due date as it was assigned by the system, based on vendor criteria, or as assigned by the user.
This field displays the A/P voucher number as it was generated by the system or assigned by the user.
The total amount of the advance will be displayed in this field.
This field displays the advance date.
This group box displays the data regarding the last change of this advance in the system.
This field displays the ID of the last user to change the advance before posting.
This field displays the system date of the last change to the advance before posting.
This group box displays the fiscal year, period and subperiod to which the travel advance was posted.
This column displays the travel advance number as it was generated by the system or assigned by the user.
This column displays the date the advance was entered into Costpoint.
This column displays the unique identifying number for the trip. This trip number represents the trip for which the advance was made.
This column displays the account to which the advance was charged.
This column displays the organization to which the advance was charged.
This column displays the project, if any, to which the advance was charged.
This column displays the trip start date, if any, that was entered with the advance.
This column displays the trip end date, if any, that was entered with the advance.
This column displays the destination, if any, that was entered with the advance.
This column displays the advance amount.
This column displays the amount of advance that has been applied to this expense report.
This column displays the total amount of advance that has been applied to posted expense reports.
This column displays the amount of advance that is still outstanding from the original advance amount.
If you have designated a label for this field, it will display as the field heading and the column may be populated with the data entered with the original travel advance.
If you have designated a label for this field, it will display as the field heading and the column may be populated with the data entered with the original travel advance.
This column displays the project's abbreviation, if one exists.
This column displays the organization's abbreviation.
This column displays the descriptive information entered by the user for this advance.
This column displays the notes as they were entered into the voucher.
The system accesses the following tables when analyzing matched items: