Use this subtask to display information from the original entry for the highlighted row on the Analyze Matched Items screen. In this subtask, the invoice information will be displayed as it was originally entered. This subtask is display-only.
The vendor ID, name, and location are displayed in these fields.
The number of this voucher is displayed in this field.
The date of the invoice is displayed in this field.
The discount amount is displayed in this field.
The payment due date for this item is displayed in this field.
This field displays the sum of the table rows below.
The field in this group box display data regarding the last change of this invoice in the system. The untitled field displays the ID of the last user to change the item before posting.
This field displays the system date of the last change to the item before posting.
The year, period, and subperiod to which these expenses were posted is displayed in these fields.
If you highlighted an expense report item on the main screen, this column displays the line number as it appears on the voucher for the expense report. If you highlighted a company-paid item on the main screen, this column displays the sequential line number of the matched items information.
The expense type is displayed in this column.
This column displays the unique identifying number for the trip.
The account is displayed in this column.
The project, if any, is displayed in this column.
The organization is displayed in this column.
The start date for this trip is displayed in this column.
The end date for this trip is displayed in this column.
The destination description is displayed in this column.
The traveler ID is displayed in this column.
This column displays the number of items that were multiplied by the amount in the Rate column.
This column displays the rate that is associated with certain types of expenses and is multiplied by the number in the Units column.
This column displays the taxability of the travel expense items: "N" (Non-taxable), "S" (Sales tax), and "U" (Use tax).
This column shows the tax code status of the travel vendor or item.
This column displays the amount of sales tax based on the Taxable and Sales Tax Code columns.
This column displays the voucher line amount, net of tax, before any discount.
This column displays the actual amount of use tax for this voucher item.
This box displays the discount amount as entered for this invoice.
This column displays the net amount paid, including any tax.
This column displays the relocation status of the expense amount: "Y" for relocation amounts and "N" for non-relocation amounts.
This column displays the type, if the expense was for relocation.
The transportation code is displayed in this column.
This column displays the ticket or unique item number, if applicable.
The transaction type description is displayed in this column.
If you have designated a label for this field, it will display as the field heading and the column will be populated with the data entered with the original invoice or expense report.
If you have designated a label for this field, it will display as the field heading and the column will be populated with the data entered with the original invoice or expense report.
The project abbreviation, if there is a project, is displayed in this column.
The organization abbreviation is displayed in this column.
This column displays the name of the project account abbreviation, if any, for this combination of project and account.
This column displays the notes as they were entered into the voucher.
A "Y" (Yes) is displayed in this column to confirm matched status.