Use this screen to change the statuses of a group of travel items to Selected or Unselected status for A/P voucher creation. Only travel items with Selected status can be made into vouchers. You can change the statuses of individual travel items in the maintenance screens (for example, Enter Expense Reports, Enter Company Paid Expenses, Enter Advance Requests).
In this screen, you can change the statuses of advances, expense reports, and company-paid invoices. Change all three at once, separately, or in any combination. The travel items you select can be further limited by time period. The selection process automatically leaves out those travel items that have been placed on hold.
Because the selection process involves groups of travel items, run it after you have finished editing a group of travel items but before you create travel vouchers from them.
Select the fiscal year, period, and subperiod from the drop-down list beside each field, or enter the appropriate time period. These fields designate the time period at which the selection process will stop. The system changes the statuses of only travel items with dates preceding or included in the fiscal year/period/subperiod combination. Travel items in later fiscal years, periods, and subperiods will not be affected. If you need to update the status of an individual item after you have already changed the statuses of an entire group, you can change it on an individual level in its maintenance screen.
Use this group box to specify a range of user IDs to include in the selection process. User IDs display in the User (ID) fields in the Header Info subtasks of the Enter Expense Reports and Enter Company Paid Expenses screens and in the Entry User field in the main Enter Advance Requests screen. The User ID fields document who made the last changes to an advance request, expense report, or company-paid invoice. Any travel item entered by the user ID(s) you specify here will be included in the process as long as it fits your other selection criteria.
Enter the range option or select one from the drop-down list. Range options include All, One, Range, From Beginning, and To End. The default option for this field is All.
Enter the beginning user ID in this field or use Lookup to retrieve a user ID. User IDs are stored in the Expense Report Header, Advance Header, and Company-Paid Header tables. If you selected All or From Beginning as a Range Option, this field is inactive.
Enter the ending user ID or use Lookup to retrieve a user ID. If you selected All, One, or To End, this field is inactive.
This field defaults to Selected. Travel items with selected status are eligible to become A/P vouchers. You can change the status of travel items to Unselected using the drop-down list or by entering Unselected. S and U stand for Selected and Unselected in maintenance screen Query tables. If you have placed an item on hold, selecting it for voucher creation will not change its Unselected status to Selected, and you will have to take it off hold before you can select it for voucher creation.
Use this group box to choose the kinds of travel items for which you want to change the status. You must check at least one of the check boxes. None of the check boxes are checked by default. You must select a travel item before its corresponding group box becomes available.
Select this check box to include travel advances.
Select this check box to include travel expense reports.
Select this check box to include company-paid invoices.
Use this group box to specify a range of advances for selection. Advances are identified by advance number. As long as they match your other selection criteria, all advances in this range will be selected or unselected. None of these fields will be available if you have not selected the Advances check box.
Enter the range option, or select one from the drop-down list. Range options include All, One, Range, From Beginning, and To End. The default option for this field is All.
Enter the beginning advance number in this field or use to retrieve an advance number. If you selected All or From
Beginning as a Range Option, this field
is inactive.
Enter the ending advance number in this field or use to
retrieve an advance number. If you selected All, "One," or To
End, this field is inactive.
Use this group box to select a range of expense reports for voucher creation. As long as they meet your other selection criteria, all expense reports in this range will be selected or unselected. None of these fields will be available if you have not selected the Expense Reports check box.
Enter the range option or select one from the drop-down list. Range options include All, One, Range, From Beginning, and To End. The default option for this field is All.
Enter the beginning expense report number in this field or use to retrieve an expense report number. If you selected All
or From Beginning as a Range Option,
this field is inactive.
Enter the ending expense report number in this field or use to retrieve an expense report number. If you selected All,
One, or To End, this field is inactive.
Use this group box to specify a range of company-paid invoices for selection. Invoices are identified by invoice number. As long as they match your other selection criteria, all invoices in this range will be selected. None of these fields will be available if you have not selected the Company Paid Expenses check box.
Enter the range option or select one from the drop-down list. Range options include All, One, Range, From Beginning, and To End. The default option for this field is All.
Enter the beginning invoice number in this field or use to retrieve an invoice number. If you selected All or From
Beginning as a Range Option, this field
is inactive.
Enter the ending invoice number in this field or use to
retrieve an invoice number. If you selected All, One, or To End, this
field is inactive.
Click this button on the toolbar to start the item selection process.
This selection process changes the travel item's selection status in the Advance Header, Expense Report Header, or Company Paid Header tables.