Unlike Costpoint Accounts Payable, Costpoint Travel does not have separate voucher creation and posting programs. Use this screen to create and post vouchers simultaneously using travel records in the Advance, Expense Report, and Company Paid Expense tables. As with the Post Vouchers screen in Costpoint Accounts Payable, you can save your selection parameters for this screen without creating, posting, or printing, and you can print the voucher distribution journal without creating vouchers.
From this screen, travel data is integrated into Costpoint Accounts Payable and General Ledger. The creation process uses and updates a number of tables both in Costpoint Accounts Payable and in Costpoint Travel itself, as well as in Costpoint General Ledger. (These tables are detailed in the Table Information section). Because of this, you can view open travel vouchers in the Open A/P report along with all other open vouchers and to issue checks for travel vouchers through Costpoint Accounts Payable, without having to enter repeat data. You can also use this screen to close travel records that have been made into vouchers and move them into history tables.
Vouchers are created for employees for the amount in the expense report header. Therefore, the system has to adjust the header amount to reflect applied advances and company-paid expenses. During the creation process, the system adds lines to the expense report crediting the account/org/project charged with each advance. Each line clears the advance account in the General Ledger and reduces the total amount of the expense report. If the expense report contains company-paid expenses, the system adds lines to the expense report crediting the account/org/project for these expenses. It also credits the clearing/suspense account where these expenses were initially charged. These lines reduce the expense report header amount further. After all these adjustments have been made, the system creates a voucher for the new expense report header amount. This amount now reflects only those expenses that employees paid for themselves. The system then moves the adjusted expense report to Expense Report History.
When you run this screen, the system also copies records from company-paid invoices into a Matching table. The system will use this table in the Matching process to reconcile company-paid invoice lines to expense report lines.
Run this process after the expense reports, company-paid invoices, and advance requests have been reviewed for errors and/or approved. You cannot edit the travel vouchers created through this process, because they are immediately posted to the General Ledger.
The system date defaults into this field for expense reports and advances, because neither of these travel items has an invoice date. For expense reports and advances, this field ensures consistency with the Post Vouchers screen in Costpoint Accounts Payable.
If you are creating vouchers from company-paid invoices alone, however, the system uses this field to identify invoices. Enter the beginning invoice date if this is the case.
Use this group box to specify the fiscal year, period, and range of subperiods for voucher creation and posting. As long as they match your other selection criteria, all travel items in this range of subperiods will be made into vouchers and posted. You can create vouchers for only one fiscal year and period at a time.
Enter a fiscal year or select one from the drop-down list.
Enter a period or select one from the drop-down list.
Select a range option from the drop-down list for the subperiods to be included in the voucher creation process.
Depending on your Subperiod Range selection, enter a starting subperiod and/or an ending subperiod in these fields, or select a starting and ending subperiod from the drop-down lists.
Use this group box to choose which kinds of travel items you want to make into vouchers. All three check boxes default as checked.
Select this check box to create vouchers from travel advance requests. Clear this check box to exclude advance requests from the creation process. If you do not select this check box, the Advances group box is disabled.
Select this check box to create vouchers from travel expense reports. Clear this check box to exclude advance requests from the creation process. If you do not select this check box, the Expense Reports group box is disabled.
Select this check box to create vouchers from company-paid invoices. Clear this check box to exclude advance requests from the creation process. If you do not select this check box, the Company Expenses group box is disabled.
Use this group box to specify a range of user IDs to include in the selection process. User IDs display in the User (ID) fields in the Header Info subtasks of the Enter Expense Reports and Enter Company Paid Expenses screens and in the Entry User field in the main Enter Advance Requests screen. The User ID fields document who made the last changes to an advance request, expense report, or company-paid invoice. Any travel item entered by the user ID(s) you specify here will be included in the process as long as it fits your other selection criteria.
Enter the range option or select one from the drop-down list. Range options include All, One, Range, From Beginning, and To End. The default for this field is All.
Enter the beginning user ID in this field or use to retrieve
a user ID. If you selected All or From Beginning as a Range
Option, this field is inactive.
Enter the ending user ID or use to retrieve a user ID.
If you selected All, One, or To End as a Range
Option, this field is inactive.
Use this group box to specify a range of advances for voucher creation. As long as they match your other selection criteria, all advances in this range will be made into vouchers and posted. None of these fields will be available if you have not selected the Advances check box.
Enter the range option or select one from the drop-down list. Range options include All, One, Range, From Beginning, and To End. The default for this field is All.
Enter the beginning advance number in this field or use to retrieve an advance number. If you selected All or From
Beginning as a Range Option, this field
is inactive.
Enter the ending advance number in this field or use to
retrieve an advance number. If you selected All, One, or To End as a Range Option, this field is inactive.
Use this group box to specify a range of company-paid invoices for voucher creation. As long as they match your other selection criteria, all invoices in this range will be made into vouchers and posted. None of these fields will be available if you have not selected the Company Exp check box.
Enter the range option, or select a range option from the drop-down list. Range options include All, One, Range, From Beginning, and To End. The default for this field is All.
Enter the beginning invoice number in this field or use to retrieve an invoice number. If you selected All or From
Beginning as a Range Option, this field
is inactive.
Enter the ending invoice number in this field or use to
retrieve an invoice number. If you selected All, One, or To End as a Range Option, this field is inactive.
This non-editable field displays the printing status for this journal.
Use this group box to specify a range of expense reports for voucher creation. As long as they meet your other selection criteria, all expense reports in this range will be made into vouchers and posted. None of these fields will be available if you have not selected the Expenses check box.
Enter the range option, or select a range option from the drop-down list. Range options include All, One, Range, From Beginning, and To End. The default for this field is All.
Enter the beginning expense report number in this field or use to retrieve an expense report number. If you selected All
or From Beginning as a Range Option,
this field is inactive.
Enter the ending expense report number in this field or use to retrieve an expense report number. If you selected All,
One, or To End as a Range Option, this
field is inactive.
If you select the Print Voucher Journal button on the toolbar to print the voucher creation report, the actual voucher creation process will not take place. After printing the reports, you will still be in the application, and the screen will have the Journal Printed status displayed. You can then click the Post Vouchers button on the toolbar, and the process will proceed.
When you change any of the print options or selection criteria after having printed the report, the Journal Printed field is updated, and the Post Vouchers button on the toolbar is grayed-out. You will have to print the report again before the voucher creation process will occur. If you click the Print/Post Vouchers button on the toolbar after having changed a parameter, the report prints automatically as part of the voucher creation process.
Click this button on the toolbar to post the vouchers. This button is not available unless you have printed the report.
Click this button on the toolbar to post the vouchers and print the report.
Advance Header (ADV_HDR). The Advance Header table stores information you entered in the headers of your advance requests. During voucher creation, the system updates the Advance Header History table with information from the Advance Header table. Because these records are no longer needed in the Advance Header table, the system deletes them. This process ensures that only open advance requests occupy the Advance Header table.
Advance Header History (ADV_HDR_HS). The system updates this table with information from the Advance Header table during the creation process. The Advance Header History table stores only header information from advances made into vouchers.
Advance Line (ADV_LN). The Advance Line table stores information you entered in the lines of your advance requests. During voucher creation, the system updates the Advance Line History table with information from the Advance Line table. Because these records are no longer needed in the Advance Line table, the system deletes them. This process ensures that only open advance requests occupy the Advance Line table.
Advance Line History (ADV_LN_HS). The system updates this table with information from the Advance Line table. The Advance Line History table stores only header information from advances made into vouchers.
Expense Report Header (EXP_RPT_HDR). The Expense Report Header table stores information you entered in the headers of your expense reports. During voucher creation, the system updates the Expense Report Header History table with information from the Expense Report Header table. Because these records are no longer needed in the Expense Report Header table, the system deletes them. This process ensures that only open expense reports occupy the Expense Report Header table.
Expense Report Header History (EXP_RPT_HDR_HS). The system updates this table with information from the Expense Report Header table. The Expense Report Header History table stores only header information from expense reports made into vouchers.
Expense Report Line (EXP_RPT_LN). The Expense Report Line table stores information you entered in the lines of your expense reports. During voucher creation, the system updates the Expense Report Line History table with information from the Expense Report Line table. Because these records are no longer needed in the Expense Report Line table, the system deletes them. This process ensures that only open expense reports occupy the Expense Report Line table.
Expense Report Line History (EXP_RPT_LN_HS). The system updates this table with information from the Expense Report Line table. The Expense Report Line History table stores only header information from expense reports made into vouchers.
Company Paid Header (COMP_PD_HDR). The Company Paid Header table stores information you entered in the headers of your company-paid invoices. During voucher creation, the system updates the Company Paid Header History table with information from the Company Paid Header table. Because these records are no longer needed in the Company Paid Header table, the system deletes them. This process ensures that only open invoices are stored in the Company Paid Header table.
Company Paid Header History (COMP_PD_HDR_HS). The system updates this table with information from the Company Paid Header table.
Company Paid Line (COMP_PD_LN). During voucher creation, the system updates the Company Paid Line History table with information from the Company Paid Line table. Because these records are no longer needed in the Company Paid Line table, the system deletes them.
Company Paid Line History (COMP_PD_LN_HS). The system updates this table with information from the Company Paid Line table.
Match File (MATCH_FILE). The system uses this table to reconcile expense report and company-paid expense data. When employees enter expense reports, they identify company-paid expenses, such as credit card charges, with a paid code of C, and charge these expenses to the appropriate account/org/project combination. The system records these expenses in the Enter Company Paid Expenses screen, but does not charge them to a particular account/org or project. When you run the Create/Post AP Vouchers screen, the system copies records from both places and inserts them in the Match File table. When you run the automatic match routine, the system uses this table to make sure that the company-paid invoice matches the expense report.
Open A/P (OPEN_AP). The Create/Post AP Vouchers screen updates Open A/P with voucher amount information from the Advance Header, Expense Report Header, and Company Paid Header tables. The system will later use the data from this table to create A/P aging reports and to issue checks.
Voucher Header History (VCHR_HDR_HS). The Create/Post AP Vouchers screen updates this table with records from the Expense Report Header, Company Paid Header, and Advance Header tables.
Voucher Line History (VCHR_LN_HS). The Create/Post AP Vouchers screen updates this table with sales tax, discount, transaction, and project account abbreviation information from the Expense Report Line, Company Paid Expense Line, and Advance Line tables.
Voucher Line Account History (VCHR_LN_ACCT_HS). The Create/Post AP Vouchers screen updates this table with account, organization, project, and 1099 information from the Expense Report Line, Company Paid Expense Line, and Advance Line tables.
Open Billing Detail (OPEN_BILLING_DETL). The Create/Post AP Vouchers screen updates the Open Billing Detail with A/P voucher information, such as voucher number, account, organization, project, amount, and vendor.
Transaction Posting Summary (GL_POST_SUM). The Create/Post AP Vouchers screen uses the Advance Header, Expense Report Header, and Company Paid Expense Header tables to make debit and credit entries to the Transaction Posting Summary.
Transaction Posting Detail (GL_DETAIL). The Create/Post AP Vouchers screen uses line information from the Advance Line, Expense Report Line, and Company Paid Line tables to record row-by-row transactions in the Transaction Posting Detail.
Financial Summary of Account Balances (FS_SUM). The Create/Post AP Vouchers screen uses the Advance Header, Expense Report Header, and Company Paid Expense Header tables to make debit and credit entries to the Financial Summary of Account Balances.