Use this screen to enter and store vendor-specific travel-related data and defaults for use in Costpoint Travel. In most cases, vendors for travel purposes will consist primarily of your company's employees, although there is no system limitation requiring travel vendors to be employees. In this screen, you can assign advance types, ceiling amounts and controls, and default expense types and travel account codes.
When you create a new vendor in the Maintain Vendors screen in Costpoint
Accounts Payable, you can set up that vendor as a travel vendor. Using
, you can retrieve that vendor in this screen to set overrides
and advance limits. If you want to create a travel vendor from a vendor
that currently exists only in Costpoint Accounts Payable, use this screen
to retrieve the A/P vendor by entering the A/P vendor ID, then save as
a travel vendor.
Enter the vendor ID in this required field, or use to
select a vendor. The vendor must already have been created in the Maintain
Vendors screen in Costpoint Accounts Payable.
You can assign trip numbers on a company-wide basis in the Travel Settings screen. If you want to number trips on an employee-specific basis, enter the last trip number recorded for the vendor in this required field. It is very important that you initialize this field for the vendor before you begin processing in Costpoint Travel. If you selected the Company-Wide Trip Numbering check box in the Travel Settings screen, this field will be disabled.
This field is required, if available. You can enter up to 10 alphanumeric characters. If one or more alphabetic characters have been used as a code for previous trip numbers and you wish to continue the same numbering sequence, make certain that there are at least three numeric components in the sequence.
During automatic number assignment, the system increments the right-most numeric portion of the number. The system will display an error message if you use less than three numeric characters in the number. Review the numeric portion of the number to ensure that there are enough characters to meet your future trip numbering needs.
The following examples illustrate the numeric ranges available using different formats for trip numbering:
Number |
Numeric Portion |
Remaining Range |
00000001 |
00000001 |
00000002 through 99999999 |
AD-0000001 |
0000001 |
0000002 through 9999999 |
TR-96-0000 |
0000 |
0001 through 9999 |
TR-001 |
001 |
002 through 999 |
0001-EXP-1 |
1 |
2 through 9 |
This field is not available for user entry. The system automatically displays the 25-character vendor name that was set up with the vendor in the Maintain Vendors screen in Costpoint Accounts Payable.
This non-editable field displays the vendor location, if applicable, that was set up with the vendor in the Maintain Vendors screen in Costpoint Accounts Payable.
Select this check box to use this organization as a default on the expense report. This check box is automatically checked when you enter this screen. If the check box is checked, you can enter an organization in the Org field.
Enter a valid organization that you wish to designate as the default
for this vendor, or use to make a selection. This field
allows you to default the organization charged on expense reports based
upon the home organization of the vendor. After you have entered the organization
and moved out of the field, the system validates that the organization
is active.
Select this check box if the travel vendor is no longer active. Enter a date in the Inactive Date field.
Enter the date that this travel vendor became inactive. All of the transaction screens in Costpoint Travel prohibit expenses or advances to be issued to this vendor after this date.
In this group box, enter advance data for the vendor, including the assignment of an advance type, an advance ceiling, and how advances that exceed the ceiling should be handled.
Enter the advance type description in this required field, or select one from the drop-down list. You can choose descriptions from the advance types established in the Maintain Advance Types screen, or you can select NONE. Some other options are FIXED (FIXED AT 1000), MISC (OCCASIONAL), NA (Not Applicable), and RVLNG (REVOLVING ADVANCE). Currently, advance types are used only for grouping advances in reports and inquiries.
You can assign advance types a default advance account in the Maintain Advance Types screen. When you enter a travel advance, the account assigned to the advance type assigned in the Vendor Travel Info screen will default on to the advance line.
If you want to establish an advance ceiling for the vendor that will be used instead of the company-wide advance ceiling, enter the ceiling amount in this optional field. The value from this field will override the company-wide Advance Ceiling amount entered in the Travel Settings screen.
When you enter an amount in this field and tab out of it, the Allow Over-Ceiling Advances group box is enabled and defaults to Yes.
Use this group box to determine how the system handles travel advances that are in excess of an established ceiling. The ceiling will be evaluated first for an advance ceiling established at the vendor level in this screen. If no advance ceiling has been set up for the vendor in this screen, these options will be disabled. In that case, the system will check for a company-wide advance ceiling in the Travel Settings screen.
When Accounts Payable vouchers are created from travel advances, the system must first evaluate the advance file for outstanding advances. If the outstanding balance is below the advance ceiling, the A/P voucher is created. If the prospective advance would cause the vendor to exceed the ceiling, the A/P voucher may or may not be created, depending on the option selected.
The Allow Over Ceiling Advances group box is disabled until you enter an amount in the Advance Ceiling field. Tabbing out of the field enables this group box, and the default is Yes. If you do not want to allow over-ceiling advances or if you want to allow over-ceiling advances with a warning, select one of the other options.
If you select this default option, all outstanding advances in excess of the vendor ceiling will be allowed and eligible for A/P voucher creation. In this circumstance, the A/P voucher will be created with no system warning.
If you select this option, the system will not allow advances in excess of the ceiling, and A/P vouchers cannot be created from these advances.
If you select this option, the system will allow the creation of an A/P voucher, but the system will display a warning message when you create AP Vouchers for which advances are in excess of ceilings in the approval process.
Enter an expense type in this required field, or use Lookup to select an expense type. The expense type must already have been set up in the Maintain Expense Types screen.
Expense types commonly include such categories as Airfare, Lodging, Ground Transportation, Per Diem, and Rental Car, Unallowable Travel, and Employee Receivables. For each expense type set up in the Maintain Expense Type screen, you can choose to assign a travel account group, ceiling applied code, and ceiling amount at the vendor level.
If you want to establish expense types for use as defaults at the vendor level, set up this data early in the initialization process, because the expense type is a required field in the Enter Expense Reports and Enter Company Paid Expenses screens.
Enter, or use to select, a six-character code that
identifies a group of accounts used to charge and post travel expenses.
The travel account group code assigned to an expense type is based on
a date range.
This non-editable field automatically displays the description of the selected expense type as defined in the Maintain Expense Types screen.
This non-editable field displays the Meals and IE Flag value associated with the selected expense type in the Link To Travel Account Group subtask of the Maintain Expense Types screen. Y indicates this expense type is a Meals and Incidentals expense; N indicates it is not. This value is used by the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) calculation. A single expense type cannot be both a Meals and Incidentals expense and a Lodging expense.
This non-editable field displays the Lodging Flag value associated with the selected expense type in the Link To Travel Account Group subtask of the Maintain Expense Types screen. Y indicates this expense type is a Lodging expense; N indicates it is not. The JTR calculation uses the value displayed here. A single expense type cannot be both a Lodging expense and a Meals and Incidentals expense.
The expense report recognizes relocation expense types and requires a relocation code to be assigned. Relocation codes are used for year-end relocation expense reporting purposes. The default is N (No). You can select Y (Yes) if this expense type is used for relocation reimbursement
The default value for this field is the ceiling applied code associated with the selected expense type in the Link To Travel Account Group subtask of the Maintain Expense Types screen. You can override the default value here.
Accept the default, or enter a code of A (Alternate Maximum Rate), C (Company Ceiling), J (JTR), or N (None). These codes are used by the ceiling calculation to indicate which ceiling should be used. The code you select will be the default ceiling method for this vendor and expense type on expense reports.
When an expense type is charged on this vendor's expense report, the system reads the ceiling applied code that you have assigned to that expense type. If you specified J (JTR), the system reads the Per Diem table. If you selected A (Alternate Maximum Rate), the system also reads the Per Diem table, but uses a percentage of the per diem rate that you have specified. If you specified C (Company Ceiling), the system reads the expense type table and uses the company ceiling that you set up there. If you selected N (None), no ceiling calculations are performed.
Refer to Travel Special Topic TR-4, Per Diem Ceiling Calculations" for more information on how the ceiling calculations work.
Enter a ceiling amount that relates to the Expense Type selected. If there is a ceiling amount in this field and the Ceiling Applied Code in the Link to Travel Account Group subtask in the Maintain Expense Types screen is C, this amount will override the Ceiling Amount from the Link to Travel Account Group subtask in the Maintain Expense Types screen.
Use this optional field to enter the rate per unit that this travel vendor will use, if it differs from the rate per unit associated with the expense type. If you leave this field blank, the system populates it with zeroes when you save.
Use this optional field to enter the beginning date for use of this expense type for this vendor. The date format is MM/DD/YYYY. If you leave this field blank, the system date defaults as the start date when you save.
Start and end dates for use of expense types are required for each expense type in the Link to Travel Account Group subtask in the Maintain Expense Types screen. If you enter a start date in this field for the vendor, the system will validate use of this expense type against the vendor-specific start date instead of against the start date from the Link to Travel Account Group subtask in the Maintain Expense Types screen.
Use this optional field to enter the ending date for use of this expense type for this vendor. The date format is MM/DD/YYYY.
Start and end dates for use of expense types are required for each expense type in the Link to Travel Account Group subtask in the Maintain Expense Types screen. If you enter an end date in this field for the vendor, the system will validate use of this expense type against the vendor-specific end date instead of against the end date from the Link to Travel Account Group subtask in the Maintain Expense Types screen.