Use this screen to maintain the relationship between relocation reimbursements and reimbursement types. It can be used at any time.
Relocation reimbursements are more specific cost headings. The major relocation reimbursement categories are already loaded into Costpoint. Should you need additional, customized relocation reimbursements, you can add them at any time using the New Line button on the toolbar. You must link each Relocation Reimbursement to a Reimbursement Type. Relocation reimbursements are assigned to expense report lines and company-paid expense voucher lines.
This column displays more detailed descriptions of the relocation reimbursements. If you are creating an additional relocation reimbursement, enter its description here.
Reimbursement types are the more general cost headings. The reimbursement types are already loaded into the Costpoint system. These are the only reimbursement types allowed. Reimbursements types are used to determine taxability and the presentation of relocation reimbursements on IRS form 4782.
This column displays more detailed descriptions of the reimbursement types.
Select the New Line button on the toolbar. Enter your choice of Relocation Reimbursement code. This can be any combination of up to 10 alphanumeric characters. Enter your choice of reimbursement Description. This can be any combination of up to 30 alphanumeric characters. For the Reimbursement Type, use or enter the reimbursement type. Save the screen to keep your new Relocation Reimbursement.