Use this screen to set up a maximum daily rate for meals and incidentals for use in other travel applications. The system calculates a total by adding the allowable amounts for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and incidentals; this rate is then identified by the unique code set up on this screen. The system will use the total rate as the default wherever the code is entered. All fields on this screen are required.
Set up this screen before entering values into either the Maintain Per Diem Rates screen or the Link To Travel Account Group subtask of the Maintain Expense Types screen.
Enter a unique code to identify the maximum daily rate determined below. The code is uppercase only and can be up to six alphanumeric characters in length.
Enter a description of up to 25 alphanumeric characters for the above Code.
Use this group box to determine the acceptable daily amounts for three meals and any incidental charges that may occur. Enter a maximum amount for each line, and the system will automatically total the amounts. The available charges are as follows:
Enter a maximum amount allowable for this meal.
Enter a maximum amount allowable for this meal.
Enter a maximum amount allowable for this meal.
Enter a maximum amount allowable for any miscellaneous charges.
This is non-editable field totals all of the above amounts.