Use this subtask to enter A/P Voucher payment information. You can use this subtask any time during the data entry process.
These non-editable fields display the voucher and vendor information from the main screen (i.e., number, identification, name, and location).
The system will automatically use the default pay vendor that was assigned in the Maintain Vendors screen in Costpoint Accounts Payable. You can override the default pay vendor with any valid vendor. However, you cannot edit this field if you have not selected either the Allow Edits to Pay Vendor on Voucher checkbox in the Defaults subtask in the Maintain Vendors screen or the Allow Different Pay Vendor checkbox in the Vendor Settings screen in Costpoint Accounts Payable. A pay vendor is always required.
You can edit the address information displayed only in the Maintain Vendors screen in Costpoint Accounts Payable.
The system will automatically use the pay vendor's default payment address code that was assigned in the Maintain Vendors screen in Costpoint Accounts Payable. You can override the default code with any valid payment address code set up for the pay vendor. A payment address code is always required.
You can edit the address information displayed only in the Maintain Vendors screen in Costpoint Accounts Payable.