Use advance types to define the types of advances tracked at your company. Advance types might include such categories as Fixed, Revolving, and so on.
This table is required. Set up advance types in this screen as one of the first steps in the initialization process, because the Advance Type field is available for data entry in the Vendor Travel Info screen.
At the current time, the system uses the advance type only to group advances in reports and inquiries. If you do not wish to use advance types for this purpose, you will still need to set up one general advance type for use with all advances, such as DEF, GEN, 000000, and so on. We recommend that you establish multiple advance types based on your company's requirements. The ability to set up and track multiple advance types can be very useful when running standard reports or designing custom reports in Impromptu. You can select an Advance Type as one of the selection criteria by which you can extract data from your database records.
Set up advance types in this screen as one of the first steps in the initialization process, before you begin to add data in the Vendor Travel Info screen. Although you can add to, delete, or change the information in this screen at any time, use caution in the timing of your edits, because they can affect the types of records included in system reports.
Enter up to six alphanumeric characters in this required field to identify the advance type. The types that you establish for use with your travel records should be specific to your company's requirements. There is no limit to the number of advance types that can be set up in this screen. (Note that if you enter lower-case alphabetic characters in this field, the system will automatically convert your entry to upper case when the advance type is saved, and will subsequently display and print all the alphabetic characters in upper case for this field.)
Enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters in this required field to provide
the description for the Advance Type.
Although entering only a single character in this field fulfills the system
requirement for a description, you will find it more beneficial to supply
a meaningful description, because your entry will display when using on advance codes and in reports that use this field.
Enter an account that you wish to have default for this Advance Type. The account you select must be set up as a detail account (the Detail check box must be selected) in the Maintain Accounts screen in Costpoint General Ledger.
You cannot add a default account to the advance type NA. If you try to add a default account for NA, the system displays the following message: The NA Advance Type cannot be changed or deleted.