Use this screen to purge various outdated report tables that have grown over time because of the accumulation of report table rows that have been created to run different Costpoint reports. Many reports print from report tables that are created in a separate process. These report tables must be created each time a report is printed for a different fiscal year, period, and subperiod because new data will be used. Over a period, the report tables accumulate many rows of data, and the processing time slows. This process will clear data and free disk storage, resulting in faster processing time.

You can run the Purge Report Table Data process only if you are logged into Costpoint with an Effective User ID of "DELTEK." No one should be accessing any of the report tables when this process is run.

You can use this utility to purge all or some of the report tables. You can also select the purging age of the reports. This will clear any report data more than a user-specified number of days old.

Include this utility as part of your database administration maintenance procedures.


By Days

If you select this radio button (this is the default), you must enter a whole number of days in the Select Purging Age group box.  All report table data that is older than the number of days entered (from the current date) will be purged. 

By Accounting Period

If you select this radio button, the Fiscal Year, Period, and Subperiod fields will be enabled.  Select a valid entry from each of the drop down boxes. Report table data that falls within the selected range will be purged.

Select Purging Age

Purge report data created more than ____ days ago

Enter a number to specify the age beyond which report data will be purged. This refers to the date the table rows were created. Any table rows that were created more than the entered number of days ago will be purged. Any data that was created up to and including the number of days specified will be retained in the report table.

Accounting Period

Fiscal Year

Select a fiscal year from the drop-down box. This field will be enabled only if you have selected the By Accounting Period radio button in the Purge group box.


Select a period from the drop-down box. This field will be enabled only if you have selected the By Accounting Period radio button in the Purge group box.


Select a subperiod from the drop-down box. This field will be enabled only if you have selected the By Accounting Period radio button in the Purge group box.


All Report Tables

Select this radio button to purge all of the tables. This radio button is selected by default.

Specific Tables

Select this radio button to purge specific tables. You can then select the tables you want to purge by highlighting them.

Report Tables To Purge

This scroll box is active only if you selected the Specific Tables radio button in the Purge group box. Select the specific tables to be purged by highlighting one or more table names in this box.


To purge the tables based on the selected parameters, select the Purge option in the Process menu or use the Purge button on the toolbar.