Use the screens in this menu to establish information for salary survey companies, link survey regions to individual compensation plans, link survey job titles to functional job tiles, upload salary survey data from a text file, and print a report to compare your current compensation to the salary survey data. The following functions are available on this menu:
Use this screen to set up basic information for salary survey companies. There is no limit to how many survey companies you can establish.
Use this screen to set up regions for each survey company and to specify the compensation plan assigned to each region.
Use this screen to associate job titles from each survey company with the functional job titles used by your company.
Use this screen to upload salary survey data from a formatted flat file. The file specifications are listed at the end of this section.
Use this screen to update the salary survey data for a specific survey company, compensation plan, and year combination.
Use this screen to print a comparison between salary survey information from a survey company and company salary information. The report will compare the minimum and maximum salary amounts from the in-house functional job titles with the starting and ending salary amounts from the survey data.