Use this subtask to enter specialized information that links the work center to an item for unit usage billing purposes. You can also specify the time (in hours) required to move, set up, and queue a manufacturing order.
You can enter information in this subtask when the work center is being created or whenever changes are necessary.
This non-editable field displays the ID of the work center for which detailed information is being entered. The non-editable field to the right displays the work center name.
This non-editable field displays "Y" (Yes) if the work center is active, or "N" (No) if it is not.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the ID of the item to which the work center will be linked for unit usage billing purposes. The description of the item will appear in the field below.
Enter the revision of the item to which the work center will be linked for unit usage billing purposes.
The unit usage billing item's unit of measure is displayed.
Use this group box to establish the number of hours (move, queue, and setup) required to process a manufacturing order at the work center.
Enter the default lead-time, in hours, required for moving a manufacturing order to the work center.
Enter the default lead-time, in hours, a new manufacturing order must wait at the work center.
Enter the default lead-time, in hours, required for setup of a new manufacturing order.
Enter notes related to the work center if desired.