Use this subtask to attach standard text to a subcontractor operation, which can be done only if you selected "Routing" for the standard text code in the Where-Used subtask of the Standard Text screen in Costpoint Product Definition. The standard text will automatically be attached to the routing whenever the subcontractor operation is used.
This non-editable field displays the subcontractor operation ID to which costs are being assigned. The non-editable field to the right displays the name.
This non-editable field displays the operation type.
This non-editable field displays the process type.
Enter the order in which you want the selected text to be printed on the subcontractor operation. The sequence number will be incremented by one each time you select the New Line button on the toolbar.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the text code that you want associated with the subcontractor operation. You cannot associate a text code with a labor operation unless you have selected "Routing" for that code in the Where-Used subtask of the Standard Text screen in Costpoint Product Definition.
This field displays the standard text code description.
This field displays "Y" (Yes) if you selected "Purchase Order" for the standard text code in the Where-Used subtask of the Standard Text screen in Costpoint Product Definition. "N" (No) displays if you did not.
This field displays "Y" (Yes) if you selected "MO Routing Traveler" for the standard text code in the Where-Used subtask of the Standard Text screen in Costpoint Product Definition. "N" (No) displays if you did not.
This field displays the document print option assigned to the text code in the Standard Text screen of Costpoint Product Definition. The display-only values are:
B (Both) - Text will print on both internal reports and purchase orders.
I (Internal) - Text will print on internal reports only.
E (External) - Text will print on purchase orders only.