From time to time, a process server will stop executing without a normal shutdown. This usually happens when the workstation shuts down or loses power, or the database shuts down. When this happens, a number of steps must be taken to restore normal operation of the server.
Because each process server counts as a logged-in user, you must clear the server sessions from the list of logged-in Costpoint users. Do this in the Clear User(s) screen of Costpoint System Administration. If you get a message that the number of licensed users has been exceeded, you can clear them using the Clear Users screen of the Stand-Alone System Administration Utility.
Go to the Change Server Status screen and delete the row for the server.
Any queue entry being executed when the abnormal shutdown occurred will have a status of "Executing." log in to the server again and process the remaining queue entries and shut down the server properly. If the server encounters a process that was not completed because of an abnormal shutdown, it will change the status of the process to "Aborted." You can also change the server status in the Change Server Status screen. If you change the status of a process from "Active" to "Inactive," the status of queue entries will be changed to "Aborted." Go to either the Maintain Queues screen or the Change/Monitor Process Status screen to either delete and resubmit the rows with the status "Aborted," or change their status to "Pending" so the server will execute them again.