Use this screen to print the W-2s that were created by the Create W-2 Table screen.
Any edits you make to the W-2 Table after creating the W-2s will print on theW-2. After you modify and select the appropriate fields, select the Save button on the toolbar to save these print parameters. Enter the name of the parameter for printing these W-2s (e.g., "Company Name PY 2000") and a description that will identify the parameter in the Save Parameters windows dialog box.
Enter the taxable entity ID for which you wish to print W-2s, or use Lookup to select the ID. To edit or view a record that has already been saved for a particular taxable entity, execute Query or Find and select the taxable entity's record. This is a required field.
Enter the payroll year for which you are printing W-2s. You can enter numerous payroll years for the same taxable entity, and you can save each as a separate record with individual parameters.
From this drop-down box, select the W-2 form type for which you would like to print W-2s. If you select "2-Up Laser," W-2s will print on 2-part laser forms. If you select "4-Up Laser," W-2s will print on 4-part laser forms. If you select "Impact," W-2s will print on single-wide impact forms.
Enter the control number to print on the first W-2. This field will default to "1" when you open the application.
Use the options in this group box to determine the primary order in which your W-2s will print.
To sort W-2s by employee name, select this radio button.
To sort W-2s by employee ID, select this radio button.
To sort W-2s by social security number, select this radio button.
To sort W-2s by postal code, select this radio button.
To sort W-2s by state, select this radio button.
To sort W-2s by the employee's home org, select this radio button.
To sort W-2s by the employee's locator code, select this radio button.
Use the options in this group box to determine the secondary order in which your W-2s will print.
If the secondary sort should be by employee name, select this radio button.
If the secondary sort should be by employee ID, select this radio button.
If there should be no secondary sort, this radio button will be automatically selected.
Use this group box to select the range of employee names, social security numbers, employee IDs, postal codes, withholding states, home organizations or locator codes to include in the printing of W-2sThe selection is based on the Primary Sort value that you have chosen.
Select this checkbox to create non-contiguous selections. Begin by using the Range Option, From, and To fields to generate a contiguous selection. Once the selection is created, apply it to the list by selecting the Apply pushbutton. The selection now appears in the list box. You can repeat this as many times as necessary to create the desired non-contiguous selection list. To remove one of the contiguous selections, mark it in the list box and click on the Remove pushbutton. The order of the selections in the list box has no effect on the report sort order.
Use this drop-down box to select the range option to include. Valid options are "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," and "To End." The default for this field is "All."
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the employee name, employee ID, social security number, postal code, state, home org or locator code value with which to start. If you selected the List Mode checkbox, select the Apply pushbutton.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the employee name, employee ID, social security number, postal code, state, home org or locator code with which to end. If you selected the List Mode checkbox, select the Apply pushbutton.
Select this pushbutton to add the employee names, employee IDs, social security numbers, postal codes, states, home orgs or locator codes you have selected to the list of values to be used.
Select this pushbutton to remove any list values you have selected.
Zero-amount W-2s - It is possible, though not likely, that you may have some records in the Employee Earnings table with all zeroes for the amounts. If this happens, you can delete these W-2s, select the Void checkbox in the Edit W-2s screen, or simply ignore them. If you recreate W-2s, any edits made in the Edit W-2 screen will be lost and must be reentered.
Incorrect amounts on W-2s - If a W-2(s) has incorrect amounts, you can either manually edit the Edit W-2 Table for the record(s) in question or recreate W-2s.
You may need to "fine-tune" laser printer definition codes for your particular printer. All printers vary somewhat, depending on the make and model.
W2 File/Box 13 - BOX_12_W2_FILE
Basic Employee Info - EMPL
Federal W2 File - FED_W2_FILE
Local W2 File - LOCAL_W2_FILE
Multi-Co. Local Tax Override - MULTI_CO_LOC_OVRD
Multi-Co. State Tax Override - MULTI_CO_ST_OVRD
State Taxes - STATE_TAX_INFO
State W2 File - STATE_W2_FILE
Locality - LOCALITY
State - STATE
Taxable Entity - TAXBLE_ENTITY