Use this screen to print the contents of the Employee Bank Info table.
You can print this report any time after entering employee direct deposit bank information.
Use the selections in this group box to control the primary sort of the report.
Select this radio button to sort the report by the bank names that are assigned to the employees in the Maintain Employee Bank Info screen. If your Primary Sort is by Bank Name, you must then select either Employee Name or Employee ID for your Secondary Sort.
To sort the report by employee name, select this radio button.
To sort the report by employee ID, select this radio button.
Select this radio button to print the report by employee name for each employee's bank. If you select Employee Name or Employee ID for your Primary Sort, this radio button is disabled.
Select this radio button to print the report by employee ID for each employee's bank. If you select Employee ID or Employee Name for your Primary Sort, this radio button is disabled.
This radio button is disabled if your Primary Sort is by Bank Name. You must then select either Employee Name or Employee ID for your Secondary Sort. If you select Employee Name or Employee ID for your Primary Sort, this radio button is automatically selected.
Use this group box to select the pay cycle of the employees for whom you will print the report.
Select this checkbox to choose all employee pay cycles and print all employees set up for direct deposit, whether they have an "Active" or "Inactive" status.
Use this drop-down box to select a single pay cycle for the report. Only employees set up for direct deposit who have the selected pay cycle will be printed, whether they have an "Active" or "Inactive" status. The employee's pay cycle is assigned in the Employee Taxes screen in Costpoint Employee.
Employee Bank Header - PR_EMPL_BANK_HDR
Employee Bank Line - PR_EMPL _BANK_LN