Use this screen to print remittance information based on posted or unposted checks, for specific pay cycles, or for specific remitters. You can sort by remittance identification, employee name, or employee social security number. This will allow you to print a report based on the remitter's requirements.
You can run this report any time after computing payroll.
Use this group box to control the primary sort of the report.
Select this radio button to sort the report by remittance ID.
Select this radio button to sort the report by employee name.
Select this radio button to sort the report by employee social security number.
The radio buttons in this sort box are available depending on your selection from the Primary Sort box. If you print this report by Remittance ID, the Employee Name and Employee SSN radio buttons will be available for selection here. If you selected Employee Name or Employee SSN in the Primary Sort box, the None radio button will default.
Select this radio button to print the report by the employee name.
Select this radio button to sort the report by employee social security number.
Select this radio button if you do not want a secondary sort.
Use the options in this group box to determine what court order information to print on the report.
Select this checkbox to include the account number on the report.
Select this checkbox to include the court order or case number on the report.
Select this checkbox to include the jurisdiction on the report.
Use the options in this group box to determine the source of the report.
Select this radio button to report information from the Maintain Payroll Edit table.
Select this radio button to report information from the Employee Earnings table.
Select this radio button to report information from the Payroll Edit and Earnings tables.
Use this group box to select the range of pay cycles to include on this report. When you make a selection in the Pay Cycles group box, the Taxable Entity group box is unavailable.
Select this checkbox to include all pay cycles on the report.
Enter, or use the drop-down box to select, the pay cycle to be included on the report. The non-editable field below will display the pay cycle description.
Use the fields in this group box to select the range of check dates to include on this report.
Enter the starting check date to be included on the report.
Enter the ending check date to be included on the report.
Use this group box to select the range of taxable entities to include on this report. When you make a selection in the Taxable Entity group box, the Pay Cycles group box is unavailable.
Select this checkbox to include all companies on the report.
Enter, or use the drop-down box to select, the company to include on the report. The non-editable field below will display the company description.
Use the fields in this group box to select the range of remittance IDs to include on this report.
Use the drop-down box to make one of the following range selections: "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," and "To End." If you select "All," the From and To fields are disabled. If you select "One," the To field is disabled. If you select "From Beginning," the From field is disabled. If you select "To End," the To field is disabled.
If your range selection is "One," "Range," or "To End," enter, or use Lookup to select, the remittance ID with which you want to start the report.
If your range selection is "Range" or "From Beginning," enter, or use Lookup to select, the remittance ID with which you want to end the report.