Use this subtask to view the active bank account changes made in the Maintain Employee Bank Info screen.  The fields in this table window are non-editable, and can be maintained in the Maintain Employee Bank Info screen.

Trans Type

This non-editable field displays the type of modification for the specific transaction displayed. The field will contain an "A" to indicate an "Add" transaction, a "D" to indicate a "Delete" transaction, or a "U" to indicate an "Update" transaction.


This non-editable field displays the employee ID for the employee whose Employee Bank Info record was changed.

Employee Name

This non-editable field displays the name that corresponds to the employee ID for this transaction.

Modified By (User)

This non-editable field displays the user ID (Costpoint login ID) of the system user who made the modification shown in this transaction.

Date Modified

This non-editable field displays the date that the modification took place.


This non-editable field displays the priority order in which the account receives funds. Rank "1" is the highest priority and rank "10" is the lowest. A rank number of "1" indicates that the line has first priority and the system will process it first when calculating the deduction from the employee's net pay.


This non-editable field displays the bank ID for the bank account that will receive this direct deposit payment. 

Bank Name

This non-editable field displays the name of the Bank.

Bank Account

This non-editable field displays the employee's bank account number for the associated bank.

ACH Trans Type

This non-editable field displays the ACH transfer code, which determines the type of account and transaction to be made.


This non-editable field displays the method by which the Percent or Amount field is calculated. Valid values are "Percentage," "Fixed Amount," "Residual," and "No Amount".

Percentage - This method specifies that a percentage of the net pay amount is to be deducted and deposited to the account specified. The percentage or amount will display in the Percent or Amount field. The system calculates the percent on the total net pay amount and does not consider any previously deducted amounts. You cannot enter total percentages over 100%. If there are not enough funds remaining to cover the percentage specified, the remaining funds will be the amount of the deposit.

Fixed Amount - This method specifies that a fixed amount is to be deducted and deposited to the account. The amount will display in the Percent or Amount field. The system will deduct this amount from the net pay and deposit it. However, if not enough funds remain to cover the fixed amount, the remaining funds will be the amount of the deposit.    

Residual - This method specifies that any remaining funds after prior deductions will be deposited to this account. The "R" Method must be the lowest ranked account (with Rank 1 being highest and Rank 5 being lowest).

No Amount - This method specifies that no amount should be deducted for this account. This method turns off any previously set up deposit amount.

Percent or Amount

This non-editable field is used in conjunction with the Method field. If the Method field is "Fixed Amount," this non-editable field displays the amount allocated to the bank account.  If the Method is "Percentage," this non-editable field displays the percentage of net pay allocated to the bank account.  For the "Residual" or "No Amount" Method, this field will be "0."