Use this screen to create magnetic media files for submission of quarterly state reports. The state in which an employee is working is determined by using the SUTA State field in the Employee Earnings table.

Refer to the Tax Tables documentation for additional tax information by state.

Create the magnetic media files at the end of each calendar quarter for submission to the state(s). Print the State Quarterly Unemployment Report in order to provide backup information relating to amounts on the state magnetic media report.

This application includes multi-state functionality. This functionality allows for the proper computation of withholdings for employees who work in multiple states during one pay period. Since new tables are needed for this multi state calculation, the Create State Qtrly Unempl Mag Media application will have to look to a new table, EMPL_EARN_STATE. The states that will use the new calculation include: OH, CA, NY, IA and SC.

New functionality allows you to create a mag media file for Nebraska State Unemployment.


You should save a copy of the file you submit for your records.


Use the fields in this group box to select the Taxable Entity, Payroll Year, Quarter, and State for which you wish to create magnetic media.

Taxable Entity

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the taxable entity for which you want to print this report.

Payroll Year

Enter the four-digit payroll year for which you want to create magnetic media in this field.


Select the quarter for which you want to create magnetic media print from this non-editable drop-down box.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the state code for which you want to create magnetic media.

Employee Count

Use the fields in this group box to enter the number of employees by month that claimed unemployment based on the information in the Select group box.

Month 1

Enter the number of individuals that claimed unemployment for the first month of the selected quarter.

Month 2

Enter the number of individuals that claimed unemployment for the second month of the selected quarter.

Month 3

Enter the number of individuals that claimed unemployment for the third month of the selected quarter.

Amount Due

Use this group box to enter amounts that are due to the state of Illinois. This group box is enabled only if the State field is "IL." Each field in this group box can contain up to 11 numeric characters.

Report Penalty/Underpayment

Enter the total previous underpayment amounts (including previously due penalty and interest) that will be included on the magnetic media file.


Enter the total interest amount due that will be included on the magnetic media file.


Enter the total penalty amount due that will be included on the magnetic media file.


Enter the previous overpayment being applied to the balance due that will be included on the magnetic media file.

Computer Manufacturer

Enter the manufacturer of your computer, e.g., "IBM," "Sperry," "Compaq." The state government uses this for statistical purposes.

Weeks Worked

This field is currently unavailable.


This field is currently unavailable.

Mag Media File Name

Enter the magnetic media file name in this field.


Select this button on the toolbar to create the magnetic media file.

Report Sources

Employee Earnings - EMPL_EARNINGS

Employee Earnings Pay Types - EMPL_EARN_PAY_TYPE

Employee Earnings Deduction - EMPL_EARN_DED