Use this screen to recompute the taxable wages in the Employee Earnings table according to the criteria selected. The toolkit checks and, if necessary, corrects all Employee Earnings table information for the selected payroll year. The toolkit reads the selected Employee Earnings table information, verifies the taxable wages based on the taxability of the pay types and deductions included in each table, and (if you make a selection in the Use Employee Statuses group box) uses the employee's Taxability Status as set up in the Employee Taxes screen in Costpoint Employee. The toolkit then corrects any incorrect taxable wages. Rights to this screen should be assigned sparingly, and this toolkit should be used with caution.

You can use this utility after entering records in the Maintain Employee Earnings screen or posting payroll, but it is best to use it at the end of the calendar year, before you create W-2s.

Multi-state tax functionality has been added to a number of applications to allow the proper calculation of withholdings for employees who work in multiple states in a single pay period. Since new tables have been created, Recompute Taxable Wages now looks at new earnings and employee tax tables.


Use this group box to enter the taxable entity, payroll year, employees, and check dates for the Employee Earnings table records for which you want to recompute taxable wages.


Use this group box to enter the taxable entity and payroll year for the Employee Earnings table records for which you wish to recompute taxable wages.

Taxable Entity

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the taxable entity ID for which you wish to recompute taxable wages. Establish taxable entity information in the Set Up Company Info screen in Costpoint General Ledger.

Payroll Year

Enter the payroll year for which you wish to recompute taxable wages.


Use this group box to select the range of employees to include when recomputing taxable wages.

Range Option

This drop-down box provides the following employee range selections: "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," and "To End."

If you select "All," the From and To fields are disabled; if you select "One," the To field is disabled; if you select "From Beginning," the From field is disabled; and if you select "To End" the To field is disabled.


If your range selection is "One," "Range," or "To End," enter the employee ID with which you wish to start. You can also use Lookup to select the employee name or ID.


If your range selection is "Range" or "From Beginning," enter the employee ID with which you wish to end. You can also use Lookup to select the employee name or ID.

Check Date

Use the fields in this group box to select the range of check dates to include when recomputing taxable wages.

Range Option

This drop-down box provides the following date range selections:  "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," and "To End."

If you select "All," the From and To fields are disabled; if you select "One," the To field is disabled; if you select "From Beginning," the From field is disabled; and if you select "To End" the To field is disabled.


If your range selection is "One," "Range," or "To End," enter the check date with which you wish to start.


If your range selection is "Range" or "From Beginning," enter the check date with which you wish to end.

Use Employee Statuses

Use this group box to specify whether to use the employee's taxability status, as set up in the Employee Taxes screen in Costpoint Employee, when recomputing the taxable wages. If you select any of the checkboxes, a warning message will inform you that this toolkit should not be used for any employees that have had their taxability status changed during the payroll year.

Federal Filing Status

Select this checkbox to use the employee's Federal Filing Status, as set up in the Employee Taxes screen in Costpoint Employee, when recomputing the Federal Taxable Wages. If you select this checkbox, the Federal Taxable Wages are based on the federal taxability of the Employee Earnings table's Pay Types, Deductions, and the Employee's Status as set up in the Employee Taxes screen. If this checkbox is not selected, the employee's Federal Taxable Wages will be determined based on the taxability of the Employee Earnings table's Pay Types and Deductions, regardless of the employee's taxability status as set up in the Employee Taxes screen.

Subject to Social Security

Select this checkbox to use the employee's Social Security Taxability Status, as set up in the Employee Taxes screen in Costpoint Employee, when recomputing the Social Security Taxable Wages. If you select this checkbox, the Social Security Taxable Wages are based on the Social Security taxability of the Employee Earnings table's Pay Types, Deductions, and the Employee's Status as set up in the Employee Taxes screen. If this checkbox is not selected, then the employee's Social Security Taxable Wages will be determined based on the taxability of the Employee Earnings table's Pay Types and Deductions, regardless of the employee's taxability status as set up in the Employee Taxes screen.

Subject to FUTA

Select this checkbox to use the employee's FUTA Taxability Status, as set up in the Employee Taxes screen in Costpoint Employee, when recomputing the FUTA Taxable Wages. If you select this checkbox, the FUTA Taxable Wages are based on the FUTA taxability of the Employee Earnings table's Pay Types, Deductions, and the Employee's Status as set up in the Employee Taxes screen. If this checkbox is not selected, then the employee's FUTA Taxable Wages will be determined based on the taxability of the Employee Earnings table's Pay Types and Deductions, regardless of the employee's taxability status as set up in Employee Taxes.

State Filing Status

Select this checkbox to use the employee's State Filing Status, as set up in the Employee Taxes screen in Costpoint Employee, when recomputing the State Taxable Wages. If you select this checkbox, the State Taxable Wages are based on the federal taxability of the Employee Earnings table's Pay Types, Deductions, and the Employee's Status as set up in the Employee Taxes screen. If this checkbox is not selected, then the employee's State Taxable Wages will be determined based on the taxability of the Employee Earnings table's Pay Types and Deductions, regardless of the employee's taxability status as set up in Employee Taxes.

Subject to Medicare

Select this checkbox to use the employee's Medicare Taxability Status, as set up in the Employee Taxes screen of Costpoint Employee, when recomputing the Medicare Taxable Wages. If you select this checkbox, the Medicare Taxable Wages are based on the Medicare taxability of the Employee Earnings table's Pay Types, Deductions, and the Employee's Status as set up in the Employee Taxes screen. If this checkbox is not selected, then the employee's Medicare Taxable Wages will be determined based on the taxability of the Employee Earnings table's Pay Types and Deductions, regardless of the employee's taxability status as set up in Employee Taxes.

Subject to SUTA

Select this checkbox to use the employee's SUTA Taxability Status, as set up in the Employee Taxes screen of Costpoint Employee, when recomputing the SUTA Taxable Wages. If you select this checkbox, the SUTA Taxable Wages are based on the SUTA taxability of the Employee Earnings table's Pay Types, Deductions, and the Employee's Status as set up in the Employee Taxes screen. If this checkbox is not selected, then the employee's SUTA Taxable Wages will be determined based on the taxability of the Employee Earnings table's Pay Types and Deductions, regardless of the employee's taxability status as set up in Employee Taxes.

Recompute Taxable Wages

Use this group box to select the taxable wages that you wish to have recomputed and corrected, if necessary. The system default for all the checkboxes in this group box is checked (all taxable wages will be included in the recompute process).


Select this checkbox to make federal wages eligible for recomputing. If you select this checkbox but not the corresponding checkbox in the Use Employee Statuses group box, the program will calculate the employee's Federal Taxable Wages based on the taxability of the Employee Earnings table's Pay Types and Deductions, regardless of the employee's taxability status as set up in the Employee Taxes screen in Costpoint Employee. If you select this checkbox and the corresponding checkbox in the Use Employee Statuses group box, the program will calculate the employee's Federal Taxable Wages based on the taxability of the Employee Earnings table's Pay Types, Deductions, and the taxability status as set up in the Employee Taxes screen. Regardless of the options selected, only Federal Taxable Wages of "$0.00" or greater will be recomputed (negative Federal Taxable Wages will not be recomputed).

Social Security

Select this checkbox to make Social Security Wages eligible for recomputing. If you select this checkbox but not the corresponding checkbox in the Use Employee Statuses group box, the program will calculate the employee's Social Security Taxable Wages based on the taxability of the Employee Earnings table's Pay Types and Deductions, regardless of the employee's taxability status as set up in the Employee Taxes screen in Costpoint Employee.

If you select this checkbox and the corresponding checkbox in the Use Employee Statuses group box, the program will calculate the employee's Social Security Taxable Wages based on the taxability of the Employee Earnings table's Pay Types, Deductions, and the taxability status as set up in the Employee Taxes screen. Regardless of the options selected, only Social Security Taxable Wages of "$0.00" or greater will be recomputed (negative Social Security Taxable Wages will not be recomputed).


Select this checkbox to make FUTA Wages eligible for recomputing. If you select this checkbox but not the corresponding checkbox in the Use Employee Statuses group box, the program will calculate the employee's FUTA Taxable Wages based on the taxability of the Employee Earnings table's Pay Types and Deductions, regardless of the employee's taxability status as set up in the Employee Taxes screen in Costpoint Employee. If you select this checkbox and the corresponding checkbox in the Use Employee Statuses group box, the program will calculate the employee's FUTA Taxable Wages based on the taxability of the Employee Earnings table's Pay Types, Deductions, and the taxability status as set up in the Employee Taxes screen. Regardless of the options selected, only FUTA Taxable Wages of "$0.00" or greater will be recomputed (negative FUTA Taxable Wages will not be recomputed).


Select this checkbox to make State Wages eligible for recomputing. If you select this checkbox but not the corresponding checkbox in the Use Employee Statuses group box, the program will calculate the employee's State Taxable Wages based on the taxability of the Employee Earnings table's Pay Types and Deductions, regardless of the employee's taxability status as set up in the Employee Taxes screen in Costpoint Employee.

If you select this checkbox and the corresponding checkbox in the Use Employee Statuses group box, the program will calculate the employee's State Taxable Wages based on the taxability of the Employee Earnings table's Pay Types, Deductions, and the taxability status as set up in the Employee Taxes screen. Regardless of the options selected, only State Taxable Wages of "$0.00" or greater will be recomputed (negative State Taxable Wages will not be recomputed). Also, if an Employee Earnings table does not have a Withholding State entry (the field is null), the State Taxable Wages will not be recomputed unless you select this checkbox and the corresponding checkbox in the Use Employee Statuses group box.


Select this checkbox to make Medicare Wages eligible for recomputing. If you select this checkbox but not the corresponding checkbox in the Use Employee Statuses group box, the program will calculate the employee's Medicare Taxable Wages based on the taxability of the Employee Earnings table's Pay Types and Deductions, regardless of the employee's taxability status as set up in the Employee Taxes screen in Costpoint Employee.

If you select this checkbox and the corresponding checkbox in the Use Employee Statuses group box, the program will calculate the employee's Medicare Taxable Wages based on the taxability of the Employee Earnings table's Pay Types, Deductions, and the taxability status as set up in the Employee Taxes screen. Regardless of the options selected, only Medicare Taxable Wages of "$0.00" or greater will be recomputed (negative Medicare Taxable Wages will not be recomputed).


Select this checkbox to make SUTA Wages eligible for recomputing. If you select this checkbox but not the corresponding checkbox in the Use Employee Statuses group box, the program will calculate the employee's SUTA Taxable Wages based on the taxability of the Employee Earnings table's Pay Types and Deductions, regardless of the employee's taxability status as set up in the Employee Taxes screen in Costpoint Employee.

If you select this checkbox and the corresponding checkbox in the Use Employee Statuses group box, the program will calculate the employee's SUTA Taxable Wages based on the taxability of the Employee Earnings table's Pay Types, Deductions, and the taxability status set up in the Employee Taxes screen. Regardless of the options selected, only SUTA Taxable Wages of "$0.00" or greater will be recomputed (negative SUTA Taxable Wages will not be recomputed). Also, if an Employee Earnings table does not have a SUTA State entry (the field is null), the program will not recomputed the SUTA Taxable Wages unless you select this checkbox and the corresponding checkbox in the Use Employee Statuses group box.

If you have SUTA Reciprocity selected in Payroll Settings, the calculation will include all states’ eligible wages when determining if the employee meets the SUTA limit for a state.

Report Status

When you first enter this screen, the report status is "Not Printed." After you print the report, the status changes to "Printed." You must print the report before you can update your Employee Earnings table.


This button on the toolbar is unavailable when you first enter the screen. You must first print the report before you can update taxable wages. After printing the report, select this button on the toolbar to start updating taxable wages, based on the criteria selected. After the update of the Employee Earnings table has begun, messages showing processing steps, percentage of completion, and number of records corrected appear.


Select this button on the toolbar to print the report first, with the update of the selected taxable wages following immediately.

Table Information

Running this screen updates the Employee Earnings (EMPL_EARNINGS) table.

Report Sources

Deductions - DED_CD

Deductions/State Taxable - DED_STATE_TXBL

Basic Employee Info - EMPL

Maintain Employee Earnings - EMPL_EARNINGS

Maintain Employee Earnings/Deductions - EMPL_EARN_DED

Maintain Employee Earnings/Pay Types - EMPL_EARN_PAY_TYPE

Employee Taxes - EMPL_TAX

Federal Taxes - FED_TAX_INFO

Multi-Co. State Override - MULTI_CO_ST_OVRD

Pay Type State Taxable - PAY_TYPE_ST_TXBL

Pay Type Taxable - PAY_TYPE_TXBL

State Tax History - STATE_TAX_HS

Taxable Entity - TAXBLE_ENTITY

Report Columns

Column Heading


Table Name

Employee Name

Basic Employee Info


FY/ PD/ Post Seq No

Maintain Employee Earnings


Check Dt/Chk Type

Maintain Employee Earnings


Federal Wages
Exempt Pay Types      
Exempt Deductions

Maintain Employee Earnings


Federal Wages
Exempt Pay Types      
Exempt Deductions

Recalculated based on the information in Employee Taxes


Social Security Wages
Exempt Pay Types      
Exempt Deductions

Maintain Employee Earnings


Social Security Wages
Exempt Pay Types      
Exempt Deductions

Recalculated based on the information in Employee Taxes


Medicare Wages
Exempt Pay Types      
Exempt Deductions

Maintain Employee Earnings


Medicare Wages
Exempt Pay Types      
Exempt Deductions

Recalculated based on the information in Employee Taxes



FUTA Wages Accrued

Maintain Employee Earnings


FUTA Wages Accrued

Recalculated based on the information in Employee Taxes


State Wages
SUTA Wages
SUTA Accrued

Maintain Employee Earnings


State Wages
SUTA Wages
SUTA Accrued

Recalculated based on the information in Employee Taxes