Use this screen to print and reprint direct deposit payment advices based on the information in the Employee Payroll table (Payroll Edit table). All employees that have an "Active" status for direct deposit, have their Mail Direct Deposit checkbox selected in the Maintain Employee Bank Info screen, and do not have a check number and check date in the Employee Payroll table (Payroll Edit table) for the selected pay cycle will have payment advices printed.

You can print up to nine pay types and 18 deductions on a single deposit advice.

You can print payment advices only after you have entered timesheets, computed payroll, printed and reviewed the Payroll Edit Report, made any necessary corrections in the Employee Payroll table (Payroll Edit table) and created the ACH file. If you have employees working in a state or states that require the pay rate be included on the payment advice, you must select the Include Pay Rate on Paychecks and Advices checkbox in the State Taxes screen for those state(s). If an employee's FLSA status is "Non-exempt" and the Include Pay Rate on Paychecks and Advices checkbox is selected for the employee's SUTA state, the employee's pay rate(s) will be included on the payment advice.

You must have compatible forms before attempting to print checks and/or deposit advices. It is important that you order forms in time to receive and test them before attempting to print "live" checks and/or deposit advices.

You can use existing check stock to print payment advices, whether or not multi-state applies to the employee. Detailed State Withholding information prints on every payment advice, regardless of the number of withholding states an employee has and regardless of the status of the Multi State Withholding Taxes advicebox assigned to the employee’s Pay Cycle in the Pay Periods screen

Payment Advice Parameters

Use the fields in this group box to define the parameters for printing employee payment advices.

Pay Cycle

Enter, or use lookup to select, the pay cycle for the payment advices you want to print. You can print payment advices only for one pay cycle at a time. This is a required field.

Advice Date

Use this field to select the date to be printed on the payment advices, which will also be used to update the check date field in the Employee Payroll table (Payroll Edit table). Enter the date that you want to print on the payment advices, or accept the system date that defaults into this field. This is a required field.

Starting Advice Number

Enter the number to print on the first payment advice. This number is the number of the first "real" payment advice that you will print; it is usually pre-printed on the advice form. The advice number is recorded in the Employee Payroll table (Payroll Edit table); after the Payroll Journal is posted, the advice number is recorded in the Employee Earnings and the Bank Reconciliation tables.

The last advice number referenced in the Direct Deposit Setup screen will increment by one and default into this field according to the pay cycle. This is a required field.

Select Employees

Use the fields in this group box to select the range of employees to include when printing or reprinting payment advices.

Range Option

This drop-down box provides the following employee range selections: "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," and "To End."

If you select "All," the From and To fields are disabled; if you select "One," the To field is disabled; if you select "From Beginning," the From field is disabled; and if you select "To End," the To field is disabled.


If your range selection is "One," "Range," or "To End" enter, or use Lookup to select, the employee ID with which you want to start.


If your range selection is "Range" or "From Beginning" enter, or use Lookup to select, the employee ID with which you want to end.

Select Locator Codes

Use the fields in this group box to select the range of locator codes to include when printing or reprinting payment advices.

Range Option

This drop-down box provides the following range of locator code selections: "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," and "To End."

If you select "All," the From and To fields are disabled; if you select "One," the To field is disabled; if you select "From Beginning," the From field is disabled; and if you select "To End," the To field is disabled.


If your range selection is "One," "Range," or "To End," enter, or use Lookup to select, the locator code with which you want to start.


If your range selection is "Range" or "From Beginning," enter, or use Lookup to select, the locator code with which you want to end.

Select Home Organizations

Use the fields in this group box to select the range of employee home organizations to include when printing or reprinting payment advices.

Range Option

This drop-down box provides the following range of home organization selections: "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," and "To End."

If you select "All," the From and To fields are disabled; if you select "One," the To field is disabled; if you select "From Beginning," the From field is disabled; and if you select "To End," the To field is disabled.


If your range selection is "One," "Range," or "To End," enter, or use Lookup to select, the home organization with which you want to start.


If your range selection is "Range" or "From Beginning," enter, or use Lookup to select, the home organization with which you want to end.

Print Type

Use this group box to designate the print process you want to perform. If you select the Print Payment Advices or Reprint Payment Advices radio button, validation will be performed and a warning message will be triggered if there are duplicate check numbers in the Maintain Payroll Edit or Maintain Employee Earnings tables for the same account number and pay cycle.

Print Test Pattern 

Select this radio button to print a test pattern on a blank payment advice. This is useful to ensure proper alignment of the payment advices. You can print test patterns as many times as necessary to get the payment advices aligned properly. The first few times you print payment advices, you may need to experiment to determine the proper insertion/starting point for the first "real" payment advice.

Print Payment Advices 

Select this radio button to print employee payment advices. Be sure to enter the correct "real" payment advice starting number in this screen before printing. Upon reprinting, the bank account allocation for each employee will be stored and can be viewed in the Direct Deposit subtask of the Maintain Payroll Edit screen.

Reprint Payment Advices 

Select this radio button to reprint employee payment advices if, for instance, you have a range of payment advices within a run that was erroneously printed and you want to reprint it. You can reprint one payment advice or a range of advices. The presence of a paycheck (advice) number in the Employee Payroll table (Payroll Edit table) does not affect the selection. You can reprint payment advices as needed. It is not necessary to "VOID" the payment advices before reprinting. Upon reprinting, the bank account allocation for each employee will be stored and can be viewed in the Direct Deposit subtask of the Maintain Payroll Edit screen.

After posting payroll to the General Ledger, you can use the Void/Replace Posted Paychecks screen to reissue payment advices. When you use this application, the program generates a "V" record to maintain the disbursement code of the original check. An editable "W" record is generated with a check disbursement code replacement type.  "W" records without a check number and check date in the Employee Payroll table (Payroll Edit table) are included in the printing of payment advices for employees that have an "Active" status for direct deposit.

It is easiest to print payment advices to an attached printer.

Deferred leave does not print on deposit advices.

If the Print only last 4 digits of bank account number checkbox is selected for the employee's pay cycle in the Posting/Advice Information subtask of the Direct Deposit Setup screen, only the last four digits of the employee’s bank account numbers will print on payment advices.  Any numbers preceding the last four digits of the account number will print as an "X."  

When a payment advice is created for an employee, the system inserts the bank information into the Employee Payroll Direct Deposit (EMPL_PR_DD) table.

A payment advice can be based on up to three different Payroll Edit records.  If an employee has "R," "X," and "Y" type records in the Payroll Edit table, for example, those three records will be allocated and paid as one advice.

Alternate Advice Type

If you are using an advice format other than pre-printed advice stock, select the advice type here. Alternative advice types are Blank Stock and Z-Fold.

Blank Stock

Select this checkbox to print laser advices on blank stock with the company logo on the blank check stock. If you select this checkbox, the company name and address that prints on the advices will reflect the taxable entity ID that is assigned in the Taxable Entity (Address) field in the Posting/Advice Information subtask of the Direct Deposit Setup screen.


Select this checkbox to print Z-fold payment advices. If you select this checkbox, the company name and address that prints on the advices will reflect the taxable entity ID that is assigned in the Taxable Entity (Address) field in the Posting/Advice Information subtask of the Direct Deposit Setup screen.


Use this group box to print payment advices for employees with zero net pay or suppress hours for salaried employees on the payment advices.

Print Advices with Zero Net Pay

Select this checkbox to print zero-net-pay payment advices. If you have zero-net-pay payment advices and do not print them, you must provide an advice date and number for them in order to post payroll.

Override Name Format

Select this checkbox to print employees' names on advices in the format of "first name<space>middle initial<space>last name".  If you do not select this checkbox, advices will be printed with the employee name as it appears for the record in the Displayed Name field in the Maintain Employee Master and Basic Employee Info screens in Costpoint Employee. 

Include Home Org

Select this checkbox to print organization identifiers on the payment advices. This can be useful when hand sorting and delivering payment advices internally to employees. The organization identifiers print under the last address line on the payment advices.

Include Company Logo

Select this checkbox to print the company logo on the payment advice. In order to print a company logo on an advice, you must have a graphic (a bitmap file) named "logo.bmp" in the Company Logo location specified in the Direct Deposit Setup screen.  The bitmap file cannot exceed 150 KB. When you select the Print button, the application reads the bitmap file and prints the graphic on the advice.

Do not select this checkbox if either the Blank Stock checkbox or the Z-Fold checkbox is selected in this screen.  The logo will automatically be included if either of those checkboxes are selected.


Social Security Numbers

Select this checkbox to prevent employees' social security numbers from being printed on their payment advices.

Suppress Hours for Salaried Employees

Select this checkbox to suppress hours (not show the hours worked) for salaried employees when you print payment advices. This can be useful when salaried employees work uncompensated time and you do not want to show the total hours the employees worked on their payment advices.

Report Resolution

Use the drop-down box to make a selection. Your choices are "Low" and "High." Your selection will determine the report print resolution.

ACH Filename

Enter the name (and the path, if needed) that was used for the creation of the ACH file for which you have selected to print the advices.

Report Sources

Deductions - DED_CD

Direct Deposit Bank - DIR_DEP_BANK

Direct Deposit Settings -    DIR_DEP_SETTINGS

Basic Employee Info - EMPL

Employee Bank Header - EMPL_BANK_HDR

Employee Bank Line - EMPL_BANK_LN

Employee Earnings Deductions - EMPL_EARN_DED

Employee Earnings Local - EMPL_EARN_LOCAL

Maintain Employee Earnings - EMPL_EARNINGS

Salary Info & History - EMPL_LAB_INFO

Employee Leave Balance - EMPL_LV_BAL

Employee Leave History - EMPL_LV_HIST

Employee Leave Journal - EMPL_LV_JNL

Maintain Payroll Edit Table - EMPL_PAYROLL

Employee Payroll Deductions - EMPL_PR_DED

Employee Payroll Local - EMPL_PR_LOCAL

Employee Payroll Pay Type - EMPL_PR_PAY_TYPE

Leave Period Schedule - LV_PD_SCH

Leave Type - LV_TYPE

Organizations - ORG

Pay Period - PAY_PD

Pay Period Schedule - PAY_PD_SCH

Pay Type - PAY_TYPE

Payroll Settings - PR_SETTINGS