Use this screen to close the pay period. You can have only one pay period per pay cycle open at any time. You must close one pay period before any activity for the next period can take place.

You should close the pay period after posting and before you need to have any activity in the next pay period.

Pay Cycle

When you enter this screen, you are in Query. Execute Query to select the applicable pay cycle. The unlabeled field to the right displays the description of the selected Pay Cycle.


This field displays the pay cycle description.

Pay Cycle Schedule

The Pay Cycle Schedule automatically displays after you select the pay cycle. In this non-editable table, you can see which pay period (Start Date, End Date, Open Fl, PR Year) will be closed by this process.

Close Pd

Use this pushbutton to close the current pay period. The Pay Period table will reflect the closing; the system will unselect the checkbox in the Open Fl column.

There are two edits in this process. There is a hard edit that prevents the pay period from being closed if there are current pay period transactions in the Payroll Journal that have not been posted to the General Ledger. There is also a soft edit that displays a message if there are no records in the Pay History for the current period.

Table Information

Changes to this screen update the following tables:

Pay Period Table - PR_PAY_PD

Pay Period Schedule - PR_PAY_PD_SC