Use this application to create a new U.S. Treasury File, using the information established in the Savings Bond Info by Taxable Entity screen and the Employee Bond Table screen in Costpoint Employee. You can also recreate the file, using the history table, or delete the file information from the Savings Bond File History table. You must specify which taxable entity should be used to process the application. Savings Bond files are sent to the Federal Reserve so that bonds can be purchased for the specified bond owners, co-owners, and beneficiaries.

Use this application after you have established information in the Savings Bond Info by Taxable Entity screen, and savings bond deduction information in the Employee Deductions screen and Employee Bond Table screen in Costpoint Employee.


Taxable Entity

Enter up to 10 alphanumeric characters for the identification code of the taxable entity that you want in the Savings Bond File, or use Lookup to select a taxable entity ID. The taxable entity name will display in the field to the right. Establish taxable entity IDs in the Set Up Company Info screen in Costpoint General Ledger. This is a required field.

Federal Reserve Information

Issue Month and Year

Enter the month and year ("MM/YY") for which the file is being submitted.  This field is required. The value in this field will be stored in the Savings Bond File history table and can be used to recreate bond files from history.

Pay End Date

Enter the month and year ("MM/YY") that will serve as the unique identifier when updating the Savings Bond File History table. This field is required. This date will be used in the bond issuance confirmation file created by the Federal Reserve.

Average Issue Date

Enter the average issue month and year ("MM/YY"). This optional field is for government agencies only.


Base on Bond Purchase History Table

Select this checkbox if the file should be recreated using savings bond file history information. This is necessary if you need to recreate a U.S. Treasury Savings Bond File. When you use history, the creation of the file will not affect the employee's bond activity.

Include Payroll Edit as Data Source

Select this checkbox to use both Employee Earnings and Payroll Edit as a source for employee bond deduction amounts. If the payroll edit records are not posted, the employee's savings bond balance may be negative.

Delete Savings Bond File from History

Select this checkbox to delete specific savings bond file records from the Savings Bond File History table. This feature will use the Taxable Entity, Issue Month and Year, and Pay End Date to determine which records to delete from the Savings Bond File History table. Selecting this checkbox disables the Base on Bond Purchase History Table and Include Payroll Edit as Data Source checkboxes, and the field in the File Name group box.

File Name

Use this field to specify the path and name of the file that will be created. If you are sharing this file or uploading to an FTP location, make sure the path is on a shared directory. This field is required if either the Base on Bond Purchase History or the Delete Savings Bond File from History checkboxes are not selected. You can enter up to 80 alphanumeric characters. You should name the file PSBOS.DAT before submitting it to the Federal Reserve.


This non-editable data field displays the status of the process. When you first open the screen, this field displays "Report Not Printed."  When the report prints without errors, this field displays "Report Printed."

Create Saving Bond File

Use this button on the toolbar to create the Savings Bond File.


Use this button on the toolbar to create the Savings Bond File and print the report.