The Costpoint Process Server status screen shows the current state of the Process Server when it is not executing queue entries. The screen shows the current date and time (above the Server Information group box), the server and status, the queue and status, the Costpoint User ID and Database being used, Printer ID associated with the process, and the Printer linked to the printer ID.
This screen appears when the server is not executing a queue entry.
The process server checks every minute for a change in the server status, queue status, or queue entries.
There are several possible reasons the server might not be executing a queue entry:
There was nothing to execute the last time the server checked, and the server is in the middle of a one-minute interval between checks.
The server status is "Hold."
The queue status is "Hold."
There are no queue entries.
All the queue entries have future start times, or are on "Hold."
The server has stopped polling the database. You can specify a shutdown and reconnect time when you log in to the Process Server.
When there are queue entries ready to be executed, the server starts the one with the earliest requested start time. If there is more than one with the same requested start time, the server starts the one that was submitted to the queue first.
When the server is executing a queue entry, the function screens for the queue entry appear on the workstation screen as the functions are being executed.
When the server has completed executing a queue entry, the server deletes that entry from the process queue.
When the Process Server is running (even if it is on "Hold"), the workstation cannot be used for anything else.
Select the Stop pushbutton to stop the server and exit.