Use this subtask to view the amount of income tax withholding at the federal, state, and local levels, and the unemployment accruals at the federal and state levels that have been computed for the employee. If you need to enter or change any of these amounts (in Query mode), enter the new values in this subtask. If you are adding a payroll record, select the Recalculate pushbutton (on the main screen) to calculate the correct Federal, Social Security, Medicare, State, Local, FUTA, and SUTA withholdings and accruals. If you change an existing record and select the Recalculate pushbutton (i.e., after the paycheck has been posted/printed for the record), you can save the record, but you must recompute payroll using the Compute Payroll application and, if applicable, reprint the paycheck using the Print/Reprint Paychecks application.
This non-editable field displays the ID of the employee whose record you are viewing. The employee's name displays to the right of this field. These fields are displayed from the header on the main screen.
This non-editable field displays the pay cycle that has been processed for this record. This field is displayed from the header on the main screen.
This non-editable field displays the end date for the pay cycle that has been processed for this record. This field is displayed from the header on the main screen.
This non-editable field displays the check type that has been processed for this record. This field is displayed from the header on the main screen.
This group box is composed of a combination of display-only fields and editable numeric fields that apply to the employee's tax liability at the federal level.
This field displays the system-calculated amount for federal taxable wages. The system calculates the taxable amount by subtracting the tax exempt pay types in the Pay Types subtask and the tax exempt deductions in the Deductions subtask from the Gross wages on the main screen.
This numeric field displays the system-calculated amount for federal income taxes withheld. You can edit this field.
This field displays the system-calculated amount for social security taxable wages. The system calculates the taxable amount by subtracting the tax exempt pay types in the Pay Types subtask and the tax exempt deductions in the Deductions subtask from the Gross wages on the main screen.
This numeric field displays the system-calculated amount for social security taxes withheld. You can edit this field.
This numeric field displays the employer expense accrued for social security. You can edit this field.
This field displays the system-calculated amount for Medicare taxable wages. The system calculates the taxable amount by subtracting the tax exempt pay types in the Pay Types subtask and the tax exempt deductions in the Deductions subtask from the Gross wages on the main screen.
This numeric field displays the system-calculated amount for Medicare taxes withheld. You can edit this field.
This numeric field displays the employer expense accrued for Medicare. You can edit this field.
This numeric field displays the system-calculated amount for advance EIC. You can edit this field.
This table displays the system-calculated withholdings at the local level for an employee.
This alphanumeric field displays the locality for which taxes are being withheld. This locality defaults into this table from the locality set up in the Employee Taxes screen in Costpoint Employee for this employee at the time payroll is computed. You can enter or change this field. If you are adding a record, select the New Line button on the toolbar and enter, or use Lookup to select, a locality code that has been set up for this employee.
This field displays the system-calculated amount for local taxable wages. The system calculates the taxable amount from the Gross wages on the main screen less the Exempt Wages based on the local taxability of the pay types and deductions entered in the respective subtasks.
This column displays the system-calculated amount for local income taxes withheld. You can edit this column.
This group box is comprised of a combination of display-only fields and editable numeric fields and is applicable to the employer's liability for federal unemployment taxes.
This field displays the total of the Federal Exempt Pay Types plus the Federal Exempt Deductions in the main screen. The pay types processed are detailed in the Pay Types subtask, and the system calculates the value in the Pay Types field in the main screen using the total amount from the Earnings Amount column in the Pay Types subtask. The taxability of pay types is determined in the Pay Type Taxability screen. The taxability of deductions is determined in the Deductions screen. The deductions processed are detailed in the Deductions subtask of this application.
This field displays the system-calculated amount for FUTA Taxable wages. The system calculates the taxable amount by subtracting the Exempt Wages displayed in this group box from the Gross wages on the main screen.
This field displays the system-calculated amount for FUTA accrued expense. The system derives this amount by multiplying the taxable wages by the percentage entered in the Federal Taxes screen up to the taxable wage ceiling provided in the Federal Taxes screen. You can edit this field.
This group box is comprised of a combination of display-only fields and editable numeric fields and is applicable to the employer's liability for state unemployment taxes.
This field displays the two-character code for the SUTA State that defaults from the Employee Taxes screen in Costpoint Employee. You can change the existing SUTA state or enter a new one in this field.
This non-editable field displays the rate by which the taxable wages are multiplied, resulting in the accrued expense amount. This rate defaults from the State Taxes screen for the indicated state.
This field displays the total of the SUTA exempt pay types plus the SUTA exempt deductions. The pay types processed are detailed in the Pay Types subtask, and the system calculates the value in the Pay Types field in the main screen using the total amount from the Earnings Amount column in the Pay Types subtask. The taxability of pay types is determined in the Pay Type Taxability screen. The taxability of deductions is determined in the Deductions screen. The deductions processed are detailed in the Deductions subtask of this screen.
This field displays the system-calculated amount for SUTA taxable wages. The system calculates the taxable amount by subtracting the Exempt Wages displayed in this group box from the Gross wages on the main screen.
This field displays the system-calculated amount for SUTA accrued expense. The system calculates this amount by multiplying the taxable wages by the percentage entered in the State Taxes screen up to the taxable wage ceiling provided in the State Taxes screen. You can edit this field.
This group box is comprised of a combination of display-only fields and numeric fields, which are applicable to the employee's tax liability at the state level.
This field displays the two-character code for the withholding state, which defaults from the Employee Taxes screen in Costpoint Employee. You can edit this field.
This field displays the total of the state exempt pay types plus the state exempt deductions. The pay types processed are detailed in the Pay Types subtask, and the system calculates the value in the Pay Types field in the main screen using the total amount from the Earnings Amount column in the Pay Types subtask. The taxability of pay types is determined in the Pay Type Taxability screen. The taxability of deductions is determined in the Deductions screen. The deductions processed are detailed in the Deductions subtask of this application.
This field displays the system-calculated amount for state taxable wages. The system calculates the taxable amount by subtracting the Exempt Wages displayed in this group box from the Gross Wages on the main screen.
This field displays the system-calculated amount for State Income Taxes withheld. You can edit this field.
Select this pushbutton to view a non-editable screen that summarizes the project distribution for taxes withheld for the selected pay period.