Use this subtask to view information on charge allocations against the purchase order voucher line.
This field displays the order number.
This field displays the release number if the order is for a release of a blanket order.
This field displays the type of order such as purchase order, blanket order, or release order.
This field displays the change order number if the purchase order has had a change order created in the Create PO Change Orders screen.
This field displays the line number of the order.
This field displays the miscellaneous charge type for the order line.
This field displays the purchase order unit of measure for the item.
This field displays the item ID for this order line.
This field displays the revision and a description of the item.
This field displays the voucher number.
This field displays the voucher line number.
This field displays the vendor invoice number.
This field displays the voucher date.
This field displays the total before discount amount for the voucher line.
This column displays the project to which the item is charged.
This column displays the project abbreviation.
This column displays the project name.
This column displays the organization to which the item is charged.
This column displays the organization abbreviation.
This column displays the organization name.
This column displays the account to which the item is charged.
This column displays the account name.
This column displays the extended amount.
This column displays the allocation percentage for this purchase order line charge account.
This column displays the use tax amount allocated to this voucher line charge account.
This column displays the sales tax amount.
This column displays the line charge amount.
This column displays the total before discount amount allocated to this voucher line charge account.
This column displays the discount amount allocated to this voucher line charge account.
This column displays the net amount.
This column displays the reference 1 against which this line is charged.
This column displays the reference 2 against which this line is charged.