Use this subtask to view detailed line information for the selected requisition line in the Requisition Lines subtask. The information that displays in the subtask is originally entered for the requisition line in the Enter Requisitions, Requisition Processing, and Requisition Processing by Line screens.
These fields display the requisition identification number, revision number, line number, line status, and creation date for the requisition line under inspection in the Requisition Lines subtask.
These fields display the requested date, procurement type description, and number of quotes required for the selected requisition line from the Requisition Lines subtask.
These fields display the item number, revision, unit of measure, description, and transaction currency of the selected requisition line from the Requisition Lines subtask.
These fields display the item manufacturing part and revision, and vendor part and revision of the selected requisition line, if applicable.
These fields display the item estimated unit cost, additional line charges, and estimated cost type code of the selected requisition line.
These fields display the requisition line item's requisitioned quantity and the quantity generated by the purchase order of the selected requisition line.
These fields display the item requisitioned dollar amount and the dollar amount generated by the purchase order of the selected requisition line.
These fields display the item inventory abbreviation code, inventory abbreviation name, project number, and project name of the selected requisition line.
These fields display the item organization number, organization name, account number, and account name of the selected requisition line.
These fields display the allocation percentage, allocation dollar amount, reference number 1, and reference number 2 of the selected requisition line.