Use this subtask to view approval notes that may have been entered during the requisition line approval process by an approver. Requisition line approval notes are entered in the Approval Process subtask in the Approve Purchase Requisition Lines screen.
This field displays the requisition ID from the main screen.
This field displays the revision number assigned to the requisition.
This field displays the date on which the requisition was created.
This field displays the status of the requisition.
This field displays the line number of the selected requisition line from the Requisition Lines subtask.
This field displays the Item ID of the selected requisition line from the Requisition Lines subtask.
This field displays the item revision number from the selected requisition line.
This field displays the miscellaneous line charge type code from the requisition line.
This field displays the item description from the requisition line.
This field displays the approval title code assigned to the approval process.
This field displays the approver's user ID and employee name.
This field displays the approval code "A" (Approved) or "R" (Rejected) selected by the approver for this requisition line.
This field displays a rejection reason code if the approval code "R" is displayed. Notes that an approver entered to explain an approval or rejection will display in the text box below.