Use this subtask to view information regarding quote line charges. The information that displays in this subtask is entered for the item/vendor quote in the Line Charges subtask of the Enter Quotes by Item screen and/or the Enter Quotes by Vendor screen.


This field displays the selected item ID. A description of the item displays in the field below.


This field displays the revision.


These fields display the vendor ID and location of this quote line.


This field displays the quote number of the selected item.


This field displays the line number of the quote.

Total Line Charge Amount

This field displays the total line charge amount for the selected quote line.

Trans Currency

This field displays the transaction currency that is specified for the quote in the Exchange Rates subtask in the Enter Quotes by Vendor and/or Enter Quotes by Item screens. All amounts on this screen will be in terms of this currency, unless the field is denoted with Func Curr (functional currency).

Table Window

Line Charge

This column displays the line charge type associated with this quote line.


This column displays the description of the line charge.


This column displays the amount of the line charge. The sum total of all amounts in this column displays in the Line Charge Amount field for the selected line in the Vendor Quotes subtask.

Func Curr Amount

This field displays the amount of the line charge in terms of the functional currency.  This field is calculated as Amount x Trans to Func rate in the Exchange Rates subtask in the Enter Quotes by Vendor and/or Enter Quotes by Item screens.