Use this subtask to view archived purchase order information for the selected item.
Create PO history in the Archive Purchase Orders screen in the Utilities menu in Costpoint Purchasing. Once you have archived the purchase order (or change order) record, you cannot access it anywhere else in the system except when viewing PO history information.
These fields display the item ID, its revision, and description.
This field displays the item's unit of measure.
This field displays the miscellaneous charge type.
This field displays the item's commodity code and its description.
This field displays the manufacturer part number for the item.
This field displays the vendor part number for the item.
This field displays the revision of the manufacturer part.
This field displays the revision of the vendor part.
This column displays the item ID.
This column displays the miscellaneous charge type.
This column displays the purchase order ID.
This column displays the release number of the release order made against a blanket order.
This column displays the change order if you have created one for the purchase order in the Create PO Change Orders screen in Costpoint Purchasing. The last change order number is displayed.
This field displays the type of order such as "Purchase Order," "Blanket Order," or "Release Order."
This column displays the name of the vendor.
This column displays the vendor location.
This column displays the buyer ID for this item.
This column displays the buyer name.
This column displays the item description.
This column displays the item's order unit of measure.
This column displays the purchase order's order date.
This column displays the order quantity.
This column displays the received quantity.
This column displays the accepted quantity
This column displays the rejected quantity.
This column displays the due date for this item.
This column displays the transaction currency for the purchase order. The invoice for these materials will be in this transaction currency.
This column displays the net unit cost of the item in the transaction currency for this purchase order. This is the cost of one unit of the item after the volume discounts have been applied. The invoice for these materials will be in this transaction currency.
This column displays the net unit cost of the item in the functional currency for this purchase order. This is the cost of one unit of the item after the volume discounts have been applied. Functional currency is the currency used to initialize Costpoint and is the currency in which your financial statements are prepared.
This column displays the manufacturer part number for the item.
This column displays the revision of the manufacturer part.
This column displays the vendor part number for the item.
This column displays the revision of the vendor part.
This column displays the item's commodity code.
This field displays the vendor's Approval Code that was set in Accounting » Accounts Payable » Vendor Info » Approve Vendors. This is "A" if the vendor is approved, "N" if the vendor is not approved, or "P" if the vendor's approval status is pending.
Select this pushbutton to open the Line Detail subtask, which allows you to view the item's purchase order line history detail information. This pushbutton is enabled only when the item has been archived for the purchase order in the Archive Purchase Orders application in Costpoint Purchasing.
Select this pushbutton to access the Expediting Notes subtask, which displays expediting notes relating to the selected purchase order. This pushbutton is enabled only if the purchase order contained expediting notes when it was archived.