Use this subtask to view purchase order line detail information.


This field displays the purchase order number.


This field displays the release number of the release order made against a blanket order.

Change Order

This field displays the last change order number, if the purchase order had a change order created in the Create PO Change Orders screen in Costpoint Purchasing.


This field displays the line number of the item on the order.

Line Status

This field displays the line status of "P" (Pending), "O" (Open), "V" (Void), "C" (Closed), or "S" (System closed).

Misc Type

This field displays the miscellaneous charge type code for the item.

Due Date

This field displays the due date for this item.

Orig Due Date

This field displays the original due date for this item.

Desired Date

This field displays the desired due date for this item.

Trans Curr

This column displays the transaction currency for the purchase order. The invoice for these materials will be in this transaction currency.


This field displays the item ID for the order line. The description of the item displays in the untitled field adjacent to the Rev field.


This field displays the revision and a description of the item for the order line.

Mfg Part

This field displays the manufacturer part number for the item.


This field displays the revision of the manufacturer part.

Vendor Part

This field displays the vendor part number.


This field displays the revision for the vendor part.


This field displays the unit of measure for the item.

Gross Unit Cost

This field displays the gross unit cost for the item ordered. This is the cost of one unit of the item before applying any volume discounts.


This field displays the volume discount to be applied to the gross unit cost of the item being ordered.

Net Unit Cost

This field displays the net unit cost of one unit of the item after any volume discounts have been applied.


This group box displays information regarding the quantity of the purchase order.


This field displays the quantities ordered.


This field displays the quantities received.


This field displays the quantities accepted.


This field displays the quantities rejected.


This field displays the quantities vouchered.

To G/L

This field displays the quantities posted to the general ledger.


This group box displays information about the dollar amount of the purchase order.


This field displays the dollar amount ordered.


This field displays the dollar amount received.


This field displays the dollar amount accepted.


This field displays the dollar amount rejected.


This field displays the dollar amount vouchered.

To G/L

This field displays the dollar amount posted to the general ledger.

Table Window

The information that displays in this table window is entered for the PO line under the Account Distribution subtask of the Enter POs screen in Costpoint Purchasing.

Inv Abbrev

This column displays the inventory abbreviations to which this purchase order line is assigned.

Inv Abbrev Name

This column displays the inventory abbreviation name.


This column displays the projects to which the item is assigned.

Project Name

This column displays the project names.


This column displays the organization to which the item is assigned.

Organization Name

This column displays the organization name.


This column displays the account to which the item is assigned.

Account Name

This column displays the account name.

Ref 1

This column displays the specific reference 1 assigned to this item.

Ref 2

This column displays the specific reference 2 assigned to this item.

Ln Txt Codes

Select this pushbutton to access the Line Text Codes screen.

Line Notes

Select this pushbutton to access the Line Notes screen.

Line Chgs

Select this pushbutton to open the Line Charges screen.