Use this subtask to view information about the assigned vendor list for the selected item, such as name, location, and quote unit of measure. The information that displays in this subtask is assigned to the item in the Assign Vendors screen in Costpoint Product Definition.
This field displays the item ID. The description of the selected item displays in the untitled field below.
This field displays the revision of the item.
This column displays the vendor ID of the selected item.
This column displays the vendor name.
This column displays the vendor location.
This column displays the quoted unit of measure.
This column displays the approved/preferred status of the vendor.
This column displays the last purchase order number for the selected item from the vendor.
This column displays the date of the last purchase order of the selected item from the vendor.
This column displays the number of receipt lines for the selected item from the vendor.
This column displays the quantity received of the item from the vendor.
This column displays the percentage of rejections of the item from the vendor.
This column displays the percentage of late deliveries for this vendor/item.
This column displays the percentage of late deliveries based on the original due date for this vendor/item.
This column displays the percentage of early deliveries for this vendor/item.
This column displays the average number of delivery days for this vendor/item.
This column displays the starting date of the vendor performance calculation.
This column displays the ending date of the vendor performance calculation.
This column displays the last quote ID for the selected item from the vendor.
This column displays the date of the last quote for the selected item.
This field displays the business classification size for the vendor as it appears in the Vendor Classification Codes subtask of the Maintain Vendors screen.
This field displays "Y" (Yes) if you have selected the Woman-Owned checkbox for this vendor in the Vendor Classification Codes subtask of the Maintain Vendors screen.
This field displays "Y" (Yes) if you have selected the Disadvantaged (Include Minority-Owned) checkbox for this vendor in the Vendor Classification Codes subtask of the Maintain Vendors screen.
This field displays "Y" (Yes) if you have selected the HUBZone checkbox for this vendor in the Vendor Classification Codes subtask of the Maintain Vendors screen.
This field displays "Y" (Yes) if you have selected the Historically Black Colleges and Universities/Minority Institutions checkbox for this vendor in the Vendor Classification Codes subtask of the Maintain Vendors screen.
This field displays "Y" (Yes) if you have selected the Veteran-Owned checkbox for this vendor in the Vendor Classification Codes subtask of the Maintain Vendors screen.
This field displays "Y" (Yes) if you have selected the Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned checkbox for this vendor in the Vendor Classification Codes subtask of the Maintain Vendors screen.
This field displays the certification date for this vendor, if applicable, as it appears in the Vendor Classification Codes subtask of the Maintain Vendors screen.
This field displays the certification number for this vendor, if applicable, as it appears in the Vendor Classification Codes subtask of the Maintain Vendors screen.
This field displays the default business classification size for this vendor, if applicable, as it appears in the Vendor Classification Codes subtask of the Maintain Vendors screen.
This field displays the vendor's Approval Code that was set in Accounting » Accounts Payable » Vendor Info » Approve Vendors. This is "A" if the vendor is approved, "N" if the vendor is not approved, or "P" if the vendor's approval status is pending.
Select this pushbutton to access the Item/Vendor Performance subtask.
Select this pushbutton to view the vendor's size by industry classification.