Use this screen to create purchase orders/purchase order lines from requisition lines. The Purchase Order Register Report will print after purchase orders have been generated. You can create purchase orders for a range of buyers, vendors, requisitions, or purchase orders.
Select the range of buyer requisitions to be generated into purchase orders. Valid options are "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," or "To End."
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the buyer ID that will be the starting and/or ending point for the purchase orders to be generated.
Select the range of vendors on the requisition lines to be generated into purchase orders. Valid options are "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," or "To End."
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the vendor ID that will be the starting and/or ending point for the purchase orders to be generated. The vendor must not be flagged as a payroll vendor, and its Vendor Status for PO must not be "On Hold." If the vendor has an Approval Code of "Pending," you will receive a warning.
If you selected a Range Option of "One," the vendor must not have an Approval Code of "Not Approved."
Select the range of requisitions to be generated into purchase orders. Valid options are "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," or "To End."
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the requisition ID that will be the starting and/or ending point for the purchase orders to be generated.
Select the range of purchase orders to be generated. Valid options are "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," or "To End."
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the assigned purchase order ID that will be the starting and/or ending points for the purchase orders to be generated.
Use this drop-down box to select the criterion for the multiple range selections. Valid selections are "None," "Buyer," "Vendor," "Requisition," and "Purchase Order." Depending on your selection, the corresponding group box's range option will default to "One" and a From value must be entered. If you select the List Mode checkbox, you can use this field to create a non-contiguous list of one of these selection criteria.
Select this checkbox to list the selected values in the box below. This checkbox must be selected for multiple values to be listed.
Select this pushbutton to apply the From value in the Buyer, Vendor, Requisition, and Purchase Order group boxes to the list.
Select this pushbutton to delete the selected value from the list.
Use this drop-down box to select how the items are to be sorted on PO lines when the purchase order is created for more than one requisition line.
Select this button on the toolbar to view the purchase order data as it currently exists in the system based on the criteria selected in this screen. Selecting this button will display the report on your monitor, and no data will be processed.
Select this button on the toolbar to print the purchase order data as it currently exists in the system based on the criteria selected in this screen. Selecting this button will print the report to your designated print source, and no data will be processed.
Select this button on the toolbar to process the purchase orders based on the criteria selected in this screen.
Select this button on the toolbar to process the purchase orders based on the criteria selected in this screen and print the Purchase Order Register Report.
When creating purchase orders from requisitions, if the PO ID and PO release combination (for standard or blanket PO) does not already exist, the transaction currency and related exchange rate information will default from the requisition's Exchange Rates subtask in the Assign PO subtask (RQ_LN_PO table) in the Requisition Processing screen into the corresponding columns in the generated PO (PO_HDR table). If the PO is a new blanket release from an existing blanket PO, the transaction currency and related exchange rate information will default from the associated blanket PO.
If the PO ID already exists (either as a standard or blanket), the PO's transaction currency and related exchange rate information will not be modified, and information from the requisition's Exchange Rates subtask (in the Assign PO subtask in the Requisition Processing screen) will not be imported. Functional currency equivalents will be system calculated based on the exchange rate.
The report will print PO line amounts in terms of transaction currency, along with the associated currency formats and symbols.
When creating POs, the requisition's line charges will be converted to that of the PO's currencies, if different, before loading into the generated PO.
If the original PO's transaction currency (that was assigned to the requisition line during requisition processing) happened to be changed (in the Enter POs screen), and is different from that of the Assign PO subtask, the PO will not be generated. Instead, you will receive an error message in the report for that PO: "PO not generated - Trans Currency differs from existing assigned PO."
For new Purchase Orders, if the PO ID assigned to the requisition in the Requisition Processing screen (in the Assign PO subtask, or the RQ_LN_PO table) does not already exist, the CIS code of the Vendor (in Assign PO subtask, or RQ_LN_PO table) will default into the PO header when generating POs. If the CIS code has a withholding rate greater than zero, the CIS Withholding field will be enabled for generated PO lines (in the Enter POs screen in Costpoint Purchasing, for example) and will be "Y" (Yes). Otherwise, the field will be "N" (No) and disabled.
For Blanket PO Releases, if the PO ID assigned to the requisition in the Requisition Processing screen (in the Assign PO subtask, or the RQ_LN_PO table) already exists as a Blanket PO, but the PO Release number is zero or does not exist, the CIS code information and PO line CIS Withholding Code will be copied from the Blanket PO to the new PO Release. If the requisitioned part does not exist in the blanket PO, and a new line is being created, the CIS withholding flag for the new PO line will depend upon the CIS Code. If the CIS code has a withholding rate greater than zero, the CIS Withholding field will be enabled for generated PO lines (in the Enter POs screen, for example) and will be "Y" (Yes). Otherwise, the field will be "N" (No) and disabled.
For existing POs and Blanket PO Releases, if the PO ID assigned to the requisition in the Requisition Processing screen already exists (in the Assign PO subtask, or the RQ_LN_PO table) either as a standard PO or release, the CIS Code will not be modified. If the CIS code has a withholding rate greater than zero, the CIS Withholding field will be enabled for new PO lines (in the Enter POs screen, for example) and will be "Y" (Yes). Otherwise, the field will be "N" (No) and disabled.